Direct payments to fund personal assistants in adult social care
Dear Lincolnshire County Council,
In attempting to understand how LCC compares to other local authorities in the region and its commitment to personalisation and person-centred care and support for adults please provide:
1. Any policies or other written procedures, guidance, and standard documentation (including templates for direct payment agreements) used in or applicable to the provision and use of direct payments to adults with eligible care and support needs.
2. Please provide any standard costings or funding bands for personal assistants via a direct payment for adults with care and support needs. *Please note that this is not commercially sensitive information as many other local authorities have released this information and it is very similar to the publicly available information about home care provider funding rates given in your charging policy document.
3. The personal assistant (PA) per hour rates paid in the last 12 months or in the financial year April 2023 to March 2024 - whichever is easier to gather and share. This should specify the number of adults with care and support needs in the following bands:
(A) The PA is paid £11.99 or less per hour.
(B) The PA is paid at £12-14.99 per hour.
(C) The PA is paid at £15-17.99 per hour.
(D) The PA is paid at £18-20.99 per hour.
(E) The PA is paid at £21 or more per hour.
* Please note I have already established the reportable data from your social care records system breaks down the elements of a direct payment by time and cost and designates the use of a PA so this information should be available.
4. Please confirm if mileage is generally paid to PAs in addition to their salary. If this is conditional please explain what is and is not funded as standard.
I would be grateful if you could respond at the soonest opportunity and answer each numbered item as soon as the information for this is gathered, please do not wait until all points are ready before sharing the respective responses.
Thank you for your assistance which is appreciated.
Yours faithfully,
M Jones
Information request
Our reference: 10939041
Dear Marcus Jones
Thank you for your request for information that was received on 11
November 2024 regarding direct payment agreements used in or applicable to
the provision and use of direct payments to adults with eligible care and
support needs.
A unique reference for this request has been generated and is quoted
above. Please can you quote this in any correspondence relating to this
We are dealing with your request under the Freedom of Information Act
2000 and we aim to send a response by 9 December 2024. This is 20 working
days from the day following receipt of your request.
We continue to work towards providing responses by this date stated above,
but may face some delays. We will keep you updated on the progress of
your request should this be the case.
In the meantime, if you want to contact us regarding your request, please
do so by return of this e-mail.
Yours faithfully
Customer Information Advisor
[email address]
[1]Lincolnshire logo
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Information request
Our reference: 10939041
Dear Marcus Jones
Thank you for your request for information received on 11 November 2024.
Please find attached our response to your request.
Yours faithfully
Customer Information Advisor
[email address]
[1]Lincolnshire logo
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