DHSSP Central Advisory Committees

The request was successful.

Dear Sir or Madam,


Please can you provide me with

1) details of all central advisory committees established under paragraph 24 of the Health and Personal Social Services (Northern Ireland) Order 1972.

2) details of all advisory committees established under paragraph 25 of the Health and Personal Social Services (Northern Ireland) Order 1972.

3) As these are subject to the FOI Act by virtue of their listing in Schedule 1 Part VII, please could you send me a copy of their Publication Schemes.

4) Please could you also let me know the contact email address for each of these for FOI purposes

Yours faithfully,

Alex Skene

McCann, John,

2 Attachments

The Department has received your Freedom of Information request and I attach
your acknowledgement letter and a Public information leaflet.

John McCann
Information Management Branch
Tel: 02890 528218

show quoted sections

Magowan, Neil,

10 Attachments

Mr Alex Skene

4 August 2008

Dear Mr Skene

Ref. FOI 17168 DHSSPS 73/08

Please see the attached covering the queries you had regarding Central
Advisory Committees established under Articles 24 and 25 of the Health &
Personal Social Services (Northern Ireland) Order 1972.

The Central Advisory Committees (along with the relevant Article of the
Order under which they were established) are as follows:

1. Laboratory Services Advisory Committee (Art. 25)
2. Clinical Imaging Services Advisory Committee (Art. 25)
3. Clinical Engineering and Medical Physics Services Advisory Committee
(Art. 25)
4. Central Medical Advisory Committee (Art. 24)
5. Advisory Committee of the Allied Health Professions (Art. 25)
6. Central Nursing Advisory Committee (Art. 24)
7. Central Dental Advisory Committee (Art. 24)
8. Central Pharmaceutical Advisory Committee (Art. 24)
9. Central Personal Social Services Advisory Committee (Art. 24)

Contact details are as follows:

1, 2 and 3 - [email address]
4, 5 and 6 - [email address]
7, 8 and 9 - [email address]

Their publication schemes are essentially all the same (with the title of
the Committee changed as appropriate) therefore I have attached only one
(the Central Dental Advisory Committee) here.

<<Central Dental Advisory Committee publication scheme.DOC>>
Details of the terms of reference, role, membership and remit, etc for
each Committee is attached below.

<<LABSAC Terms of Reference.DOC>> <<CISAC TOR.doc>> <<CEMPSAC
TOR.doc>> <<cmac.role and remit.doc>> <<ACAHP role and remit of
members doc 05.doc>> <<role of member- cnac.doc>> <<Central Dental
Advisory Committee Specification, Role of Members etc.DOC>> <<Central
Pharmaceutical Advisory Committee Specification Role of Members etc.DOC>>
<<Central Personal Social Services Advisory Committee Specification,
Role of Members etc.DOC>>

I hope this is helpful.

Neil Magowan
Office of the Permanent Secretary

Dear Neil

Ref. FOI 17168 DHSSPS 73/08

Many thanks for your very helpful reply regarding the various Central Advisory Committees - your assistance is much appreciated

Kind regards

Alex Skene