Development Costs of Frameworki
Dear Blackpool Borough Council,
Please answer the following questions :
1. Has the Council been asked to contribute money to fund the development of the software system called Frameworki? This software is supplied by Corelogic Ltd and is in use at the Council.
If the answer is 'yes', please answer the following questions :
2. What was the magnitude of the requested payment? I appreciate that the precise amount might be commercially sensitive, but as a taxpayer I have a legitimate interest in understanding whether the Council is being asked to pay, say, £0 - £10,000; £10,000 - £50,000; £50,000 - £100,000; £100,000 - £500,000; £500,000+
3. Has the Council agreed to pay some money to fund the future development of this software product?
4. Is the Council still deciding whether to pay some money to fund the future development of this software product?
If the answer to either 3 or 4 is 'yes', please answer the following :
5. Will the Council gain some ownership of the Frameworki Intellectual Property as a consequence of this investment?
6. Will the Council gain some ownership of Corelogic Ltd as a consequence of this investment?
7. What professional advice did the Council take before making this decision?
8. What governance process did the Council follow before making this decision?
Yours faithfully,
Michael Woods
Dear Mr Woods.
Thank you for your email. I have forwarded your enquiry to the Freedom Of Information Officer who will respond to you directly.
Customer First
Dear Mr Woods
Please find attached response
Kind regards
Nicola Elvidge
Access to Records Officer
Customer Relations Team
Commissioining,Performance & Resources
Children,Adult & Family Services
01253 477700
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Dear Blackpool Borough Council,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Blackpool Borough Council's handling of my FOI request 'Development Costs of Frameworki'.
You have cited commercial concerns as your reason for not responding. Other local authorities have already responded to this query. There is a legitimate public interest in knowing whether or not the Council has been requested to fund such a development. I can appreciate that some aspects of the specific commercial arrangements might be sensitive, and indeed the wording of the request acknowledges this. However, it is not acceptable for the Council to refuse to answer any part of the question.
At the heart of the matter is the question of whether a public body is legally entitled to invest taxpayers' money in commercial enterprises. It is not unreasonable for a taxpayer to ask whether a particular council has been invited to make such a commitment. It is also reasonable to ask whether you have committed any of our (taxpayers) money to such a venture.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
Michael Woods
Dear Mr Woods
I have passed this onto the freedom of information officer who has been
dealing with your request.
They will reply to you directly.
Regards, Customer First .
Customer First, Blackpool Council
* Email: [Blackpool Borough Council request email]
* Phone: 01253 477477
* Fax: 01253 478808
* Web:
Our Ref DT/MW/F20
Dear Mr Woods
I am reviewing our records and these do not indicate that you
received a response to your request for an internal review. This
may be an administrative oversight on our part, however, I have
reviewed the request and information provided by the third parties
and conducted a review in accordance with the Act. I apologise if
this response is a duplication.
I have reviewed our processes and the information provided or
withheld. I have also considered if the exemption was applied
correctly. I have also considered the views of the third parties
in this instance.
My decision is that your appeal is unsuccessful and I will outline
my reasons next.
The information requested related to costs. The view of the third
parties and their legal representatives was that this was of a
commercially sensitive nature for their organisation. Having
considered all aspects, it is likely that disclosing the
information would be likely to prejudice their commercial
operations or ability to negotiate further business and therefore,
I am upholding the application of exemption S43(2) Prejudicial to
Commercial Interests.
If you are not happy with the outcome of the review, you have the
right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a
decision. You can contact the Information Commissioner at:
Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane,
Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF,
If you have any queries about this letter you can contact me, or
write to: FOI, Town Hall, Blackpool, FY1 1NA, or email us at
[2][Blackpool Borough Council request email]. Please quote your reference
number when you contact us.
Yours sincerely
Mrs D Topping MBA
Blackpool Council
Debbie Topping
ICT Manager (CASS)
ICT Services
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2. mailto:[Blackpool Borough Council request email]
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