Development Contributions
Dear Oxford City Council,
Please can you help supply the following information in regards to all Section 106 agreements that were signed between 1st January 2006 and 31st December 2011:
• The date the agreement was signed along with the corresponding planning reference;
• list all contributions and their intended purpose;
• the dates of when all and any contributions were received by the council;
• the project name and details to which any contributions were allocated, expended or committed;
• the total amount allocated, expended or committed per contribution and the date this was done;
• the total amount that remains unspent and/or unallocated per contribution;
• please confirm whether the contribution monies, either in whole or part, were held in an interest bearing account;
• name of the party/parties that paid the contribution;
• name of the party/parties that have been repaid and when;
• all council spreadsheets that contain the requested information; and
• Finally, please include either copies of the s.106 agreements or live links to where the agreements can be found.
Yours faithfully,
Tony Day
Dear Tony Day
Freedom of Information Request, Oxford City Council - Reference:
Thank you for your email. Your request was received on 17 November 2023
and you will be sent a response by 15th December in accordance with the
Freedom of Information Act 2000/ Environmental Information Regulations
2004 (EIR), subject to the information not being exempt or containing
reference to a third party.
Yours sincerely
Freedom of Information Team | Law and Governance | Oxford City Council |
Town Hall | St Aldate's | Oxford | OX1 1BX
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Dear Tony Day
Please find attached a response to your request for information received
on 17 November.
Yours sincerely
Freedom of Information Officer
Freedom of Information Team | Law and Governance | Oxford City Council |
Town Hall | St Aldate's | Oxford | OX1 1BX
Website: [1] | Follow us on Twitter:
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Dear Freedom of Information Team,
Please would you reconsider my request if I were to greatly reduce the list of questions and ask only 2.
1) The balance of unspent, unallocated and uncommitted monies collected from S106 documents signed between 1st January 2009 and 31st December 2011?
2) The corresponding planning reference to each sum remaining
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Tony Day
Dear Tony Day
Freedom of Information Request, Oxford City Council - Reference:
Thank you for your email. Your request was received on 18 December 2023
and you will be sent a response by 18th January 2024 in accordance with
the Freedom of Information Act 2000/ Environmental Information Regulations
2004 (EIR), subject to the information not being exempt or containing
reference to a third party.
Yours sincerely
Freedom of Information Team | Law and Governance | Oxford City Council |
Town Hall | St Aldate's | Oxford | OX1 1BX
Website: [1] | Follow us on Twitter:
[2] | Like us on Facebook:
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Dear Tony Day
Please find attached a response to your request for information received
on 18 December.
It is a list of all contributions that remain unspent. As we work in
financial years,the information provided is as at 31/3/2012 for all S106
contributions relating to agreements 2009-2011.
Yours sincerely
Freedom of Information Officer
Freedom of Information Team | Law and Governance | Oxford City Council |
Town Hall | St Aldate's | Oxford | OX1 1BX
Website: [1] | Follow us on Twitter:
[2] | Like us on Facebook:
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