Details surrounding 'Significant' sponsored research MOD speaks of

Waiting for an internal review by Ministry of Defence of their handling of this request.

Dear Ministry of Defence,

From the article in the Times by journalist Larisa Brown here.

Firstly Senior Civil Servants do not have the privilege of anonymity within data protection Law. Please provide the name of the MOD Spokesperson in this article and/or the Senior Civil servant that authorised the Spokesperson to have dialogue with the journalist from the Times, thankyou.

MOD Spokesperson states MOD 'signifant sponsored research'

Please provide the details of this sponsored research of which she speaks of.

Please include the start & finish Dates of each MOD sponsored research in reference to Gulf War illnesses.

The funding cost of each study?

Names of person/s & their organisation/s that received MOD sponsorships for research surrounding approx 1in3 (gov data) of our  Gulf War troops being sick/dying young.

What each research was setting out to achieve?

Whilst you are looking at the sponsored Research, could you see if  MOD ever sponsered research to find the CAUSE surrounding why approx 30% troops suffering illnesses in the 5 Nations that were subjected to MOD's employee Jack Mellings & his team experimental immunisation programme from '4th Jan 91'

Maybe some sponsored simple cross section research was carried out into why the 31+ Nations that did not expose their troops Mellings experiments have not seen or reported the same epidemic levels of troops with illnesses? as MOD's go to Professor Wessely that has been knighted for his services to veterans health, some how missed this basic principle of cross section in 2 × Epidemiology studies.
How strange & how convenient is that?

We look forward to receiving the data surrounding MOD's spokepersons claims of SIGNIFICANT sponsored research.

Any further clarification required please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Gavin Roberts,
Gulf Vets & families of the fallen.

Dear Ministry of Defence,

Please find the article in the link below


Gavin Roberts
Gulf Vets & families of those that are dying too young

SG SecFin-Sec Gp Mailbox (MULTIUSER), Ministry of Defence

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Roberts,

Please see the attached.



Headquarters Defence Medical Services (HQ DMS)

HQ DMS Secretariat, HQ DMS, Coltman House, Defence Medical Services
Whittington, Lichfield, WS14 9PY

Dear Ministry of Defence,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Ministry of Defence's handling of my FOI request 'Details surrounding 'Significant' sponsored research MOD speaks of'.

I/We do not agree that Senior Civil servants have the privilege of Data protection. According to the Law. Please instruct an internal review.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:


Gavin Roberts
Veterans & families betrayed by past and present governments.