Details regarding job advertised HO Civil Fraud Investigator - VAT (318684)
Dear HM Revenue and Customs,
Please answer the following question if possible.
All of the below questions are in regards to the application process for the position of "HO Civil Fraud Investigator - VAT" closing date 03/12/2023.
How many applications were started for the position?
How many applications were successfully submitted for the position?
How many applicants achieved the minimum score in the application?
How many candidates achieved each score for the making effective decision behaviour question on the written application?
How many candidates achieved each score for the personal statement on the written application?
How many candidates achieved each score for the CV on the written application?
How many applicants were invited to an interview for each location?
What was the minimum score required to receive an interview?
Was the minimum score the same at each location?
How many candidates were offered an interview but declined it or didn’t attend the interview?
How many candidates achieved each score for the making effective decision behaviour question on the interview?
How many candidates achieved each score for the managing a quality service behaviour question on the interview?
How many candidates achieved each combined score for the skills questions on the interview?
What was the minimum score required at the interview to get a job offer at each location?
Was the minimum score required the same at each location?
How many applicants were offered positions for each location?
How many applicants at each location were offered the job but rejected the offer?
How many applicants at each location were offered the job but then failed the background/security check?
How many applicants at each location were offered the job and accepted the offer?
How many applicants at each location were offered the job and accepted the offer were already employed by HMRC?
How many applicants at each location were offered the job and accepted the offer were already employed by the Civil Service?
Were there any reserve lists created for this position?
If so, how many candidates were put on the reserve lists for each location?
What was the start date for successful candidates for this position?
Thank you for taking the time to read my questions, I understand it may not be possible for you to answer them all due to lack of data held.
Yours faithfully,
Nathan Smith
Our ref: FOI2023/103029
Dear Nathan Smith,
Thank you for your request, which was received on 22 December.
Please remember to quote the reference number above if you need to contact
us about this request again.
We aim to respond to all freedom of information requests within 20 working
days. We will either send you the information you have asked for or let
you know why we can't.
If we can't reply by 25 January 2024, we will write to let you know the
reason and when you can expect a response.
Yours sincerely
HMRC Information Rights Unit
Dear Nathan Smith,
We are writing in response to your request for information, received 22
Yours sincerely,
HMRC Freedom of Information Team
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