We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Mick Fealty please sign in and let everyone know.

Details of Public Liability Insurance

We're waiting for Mick Fealty to read recent responses and update the status.

Dear Northern Ireland Assembly,

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 I seek official responses to the following questions regarding Assembly’s public liability insurance:

Please provide a copy of the Assembly’s public liability insurance contract.

Please provide a copy of the Assembly’s Invitation to Tender documentation for its insurance services.

Please provide copies of any correspondence with the successful insurance provider relating to public liability insurance.

Please provide copies of any internal documentation regarding the application of public liability insurance to cover claims of libel.

Please provide copies of any documentation regarding the coverage by the Assembly’s insurance of the damages in the case of Paul Given MLA and Baroness Nuala O’Loan, and the amount payable under the contract.

Yours faithfully,

Mick Fealty

Baker, Aoibheann, Northern Ireland Assembly

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Fealty,


Please see the attached letter in acknowledgement of your recent request
for information.


Kind regards


Aoibheann Baker



|[1]http://aims.niassembly.gov.uk/images/nia... Baker |
| | |
| |AG7 Information Standards |
| | |
| |Communications & Information |
| |Standards Office |
| |------------------------------------|
| |work: [2]02890 521764 |
| | |
| |email: |
| |[3][email address]|
| |------------------------------------|
| |B4 |
| |Parliament Buildings |
| |Ballymiscaw |
| |Stormont |
| |Belfast |
| |BT4 3XX |


show quoted sections


Visible links
2. file:///tmp/tel:02890521764
3. mailto:[email address]

Baker, Aoibheann, Northern Ireland Assembly

4 Attachments

Dear Mr Fealty,

Please see the attached letter in relation to your recent request for


Kind regards


Aoibheann Baker



|[1]http://aims.niassembly.gov.uk/images/nia... Baker |
| | |
| |AG7 Information Standards |
| | |
| |Communications & Information |
| |Standards Office |
| |------------------------------------|
| |work: [2]02890 521764 |
| | |
| |email: |
| |[3][email address]|
| |------------------------------------|
| |B4 |
| |Parliament Buildings |
| |Ballymiscaw |
| |Stormont |
| |Belfast |
| |BT4 3XX |


show quoted sections


Visible links
2. file:///tmp/tel:02890521764
3. mailto:[email address]

Baker, Aoibheann, Northern Ireland Assembly

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Fealty,


Please see the attached letter in relation to your recent request for


Kind regards


Aoibheann Baker



|[1]http://aims.niassembly.gov.uk/images/nia... Baker |
| | |
| |AG7 Information Standards |
| | |
| |Communications & Information |
| |Standards Office |
| |------------------------------------|
| |work: [2]02890 521764 |
| | |
| |email: |
| |[3][email address]|
| |------------------------------------|
| |B4 |
| |Parliament Buildings |
| |Ballymiscaw |
| |Stormont |
| |Belfast |
| |BT4 3XX |


show quoted sections


Visible links
2. file:///tmp/tel:02890521764
3. mailto:[email address]

Baker, Aoibheann, Northern Ireland Assembly

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Fealty,

Please see the attached letter in relation to your recent request for

Kind regards


Aoibheann Baker



|[1]http://aims.niassembly.gov.uk/images/nia... Baker |
| | |
| |AG7 Information Standards |
| | |
| |Communications & Information |
| |Standards Office |
| |------------------------------------|
| |work: [2]02890 521764 |
| | |
| |email: |
| |[3][email address]|
| |------------------------------------|
| |B4 |
| |Parliament Buildings |
| |Ballymiscaw |
| |Stormont |
| |Belfast |
| |BT4 3XX |


show quoted sections


Visible links
2. file:///tmp/tel:02890521764
3. mailto:[email address]

Baker, Aoibheann, Northern Ireland Assembly

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Fealty,


Please see the attached letter in relation to your request for

Kind regards


Aoibheann Baker



|[1]http://aims.niassembly.gov.uk/images/nia... Baker |
| | |
| |AG7 Information Standards |
| | |
| |Communications & Information |
| |Standards Office |
| |------------------------------------|
| |work: [2]02890 521764 |
| | |
| |email: |
| |[3][email address]|
| |------------------------------------|
| |B4 |
| |Parliament Buildings |
| |Ballymiscaw |
| |Stormont |
| |Belfast |
| |BT4 3XX |


show quoted sections


Visible links
2. file:///tmp/tel:02890521764
3. mailto:[email address]

Baker, Aoibheann, Northern Ireland Assembly

4 Attachments

Dear Mr Fealty,


Please see the attached documents in relation to your recent request for


Apologies for the delay in responding to your request.


Kind regards

Aoibheann Baker



|[1]http://aims.niassembly.gov.uk/images/nia... Baker |
| | |
| |AG7 Information Standards |
| | |
| |Communications & Information |
| |Standards Office |
| |------------------------------------|
| |work: [2]02890 521764 |
| | |
| |email: |
| |[3][email address]|
| |------------------------------------|
| |B4 |
| |Parliament Buildings |
| |Ballymiscaw |
| |Stormont |
| |Belfast |
| |BT4 3XX |



show quoted sections


Visible links
2. file:///tmp/tel:02890521764
3. mailto:[email address]

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Mick Fealty please sign in and let everyone know.