Details of HMOs and landlords
Dear Southampton City Council,
Please can you provide me with the following information under the
Freedom Of Information Act :-
(a) addresses of all Registered Residential HMO properties that are
within your councils area; and
(b) the maximum number of occupants that each property
referred to in (a) is licensed to hold
(b) the last actual registered number of occupants that each
property referred to in (a) holds
(c) the date each of the properties in (a) was first registered as
(d) the names and contact details of the owners/licence holders of those properties
referred to in (a)
(e) the details of any lapsed licences that have not been renewed
Yours faithfully,
Keith Lincoln
Thank you for contacting Southampton City Council.
Your enquiry will be passed to the relevant team/officer for action.
If you have made a request for information, you will receive a response
promptly, and within the statutory timeframe for compliance. Once your
request has been logged, you will receive further details of this, and you
may be contacted if we require further information from you.
If you have any queries, please contact the Council's Corporate Legal Team
on 023 8083 2129.
This email is confidential but may have to be disclosed under the Freedom
of Information Act 2000, the Data Protection Act 2018, or the
Environmental Information Regulations 2004. If you are not the person or
organisation it was meant for, apologies, please ignore it, delete it, and
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based on it, nor must you copy or show it to anyone.
Dear Keith Lincoln,
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request received on 15/06/2018.
It has been determined that you have requested the following information:
(a) addresses of all Registered Residential HMO properties that are within
your councils area; and
(c) the maximum number of occupants that each property referred to in (a)
is licensed to hold
(c) the last actual registered number of occupants that each property
referred to in (a) holds
(d) the date each of the properties in (a) was first registered as HMO
(e) the names and contact details of the owners/licence holders of those
properties referred to in (a)
(f) the details of any lapsed licences that have not been renewed
If this is not correct, please contact [1][email address]
to clarify your request as soon as possible.
Unless clarified otherwise, your request is being dealt with under the
terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, and will be forwarded to the
service area(s) holding the information. Your request will be answered
promptly, and within twenty working days of the date your request was
Please note, the service area(s) holding the information may need further
information from you to locate the information sought once they have
received the request, and you will be contacted again should this be
If you have any queries about this request do not hesitate to contact me.
Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future
The Council now publishes responses to requests made to it under the
Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information
Regulations 2004. These responses are available on the Council’s website
The Council also routinely publishes information on its Publication
If the information you have requested in your current request has been
requested recently then it is likely that our response to that request is
already available to you via the disclosure log or via the Publication
Scheme. You may wish to view our disclosure log and Publication scheme to
ascertain whether the information you are seeking is already published. If
you find the information you are seeking, please let us know accordingly
and we will close your request. If we do not hear from you further we will
continue to process your request in accordance with the relevant
Rianna Farrow
Modern Apprentice (Legal Administration)
Legal & Governance
Southampton and Fareham Legal Services Partnership
Southampton City Council
Tel: 023 8083 3000 (switchboard)
[4]@SouthamptonCC [5]
This email is confidential but may have to be disclosed under the Freedom
of Information Act 2000, the Data Protection Act 1998, or the
Environmental Information Regulations 2004. If you are not the person or
organisation it was meant for, apologies, please ignore it, delete it, and
notify us. SCC does not make legally binding agreements or accept formal
notices/proceedings by email. E-mails may be monitored. This email (and
its attachments) is intended only for the use of the person(s) to whom it
is addressed, and may contain information that is privileged and/or
confidential. If it has come to you in error, you must take no action
based on it, nor must you copy or show it to anyone.
This email is confidential but may have to be disclosed under the Freedom
of Information Act 2000, the Data Protection Act 2018, or the
Environmental Information Regulations 2004. If you are not the person or
organisation it was meant for, apologies, please ignore it, delete it, and
notify us. SCC does not make legally binding agreements or accept formal
notices/proceedings by email. E-mails may be monitored. This email (and
its attachments) is intended only for the use of the person(s) to whom it
is addressed, and may contain information that is privileged and/or
confidential. If it has come to you in error, you must take no action
based on it, nor must you copy or show it to anyone.
Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
Dear Keith
Please find attached Southampton City Council’s response to your Freedom
of Information request.
Kind regards
Gurpreet Giany
Business Support Officer
Business Support Service
Southampton City Council
[1][email address]
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