Requests similar to 'Details of empty commercial properties with a rateable value between £18,000 & £20,000.'

Dear Ms Davis, Thank you for your Freedom of Information request, please find our response letter attached. If you require any further assistance, p...
Dear Ms Davis, Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. Please find our response letter and associated documents attached. If you require a...
Dear Ms Davis, Thank you for your Freedom of Information request, please find our acknowledgement letter attached. Please note we are requesting clari...
Dear Mr Wetherby, Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. Please find our response letter attached. If you require any further assistance...
Dear Ms White, Thank you for your Freedom of Information request, please find our response letter attached. If you require any further assistance, p...
Stray Dogs
Response by Weymouth and Portland Borough Council to Carla Bottle on .


Dear Ms Bottle, Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. Please find our response letter attached. If you require any further assistance,...
Dear Mr Panchaud, Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. Please find our response letter attached. If I can be of any further assistance,...
Organisation Charts
Response by Weymouth and Portland Borough Council to Mr Copp on .


Dear Mr Copp, Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. Please find our response letter attached. If you require any further assistance, ple...
Dear Ms Nash, Thank you for your request regarding the above. I regret to say that we cannot respond to you request, as we are currently developin...
Dear Ms Davidson, Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. Please find our response letter attached. If you require any further assistance...
Dear Mr King, Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. Please find our response letter attached. If you require any further assistance, ple...
FOI Request
Response by Weymouth and Portland Borough Council to Dave Schneider on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Schneider, Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. Please find our response letter attached. If you require any further assistance...
High Street, Portland
Response by Weymouth and Portland Borough Council to Stuart Morris on .


Dear Mr Morris, Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. Please find our response letter attached. Kind regards, Jo Woodall Team Leader -...
Building Works
Response by Weymouth and Portland Borough Council to Ken Heslop on .


Mr Heslop, Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. Please find our response letter and associated documents attached. If I can be of any f...
Dear Mr Nash, Please find attached our current findings regarding your request. Yours sincerely David Sinclair Records Manager Weymou...
ET Costs
Response by Weymouth and Portland Borough Council to V Gray on .


Dear Mr/Ms Gray, Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. Please find our acknowledgement letter attached. Many thanks, Jo Woodall Team Le...
Dear Mr/Ms Arrowsmith, Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. Please find our acknowledgment letter attached. Many thanks, Jo Woodall Te...
Dear Mr Parish, Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. Please find our acknowledgment letter attached. Many thanks, Jo Woodall Team Lea...
Council newspaper
Response by Weymouth and Portland Borough Council to L Barnett on .


Dear Mr/Ms Barnett, Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. Please find our acknowledgement letter attached. Many thanks, Jo Woodall Team...
Dear Mr Woodley, Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. Please find our acknowledgement letter attached. Many thanks, Jo Woodall Team Le...
Mr Ball, Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. Please find our acknowledgement letter attached. Many thanks, Jo Woodall Team Leader - C...
Response by Weymouth and Portland Borough Council to Melizza Moore on .

Information not held

Dear Ms Moore, Thank you for your Freedom of Information request, please find our response letter attached. If you require any further assistance, pl...
Dear Mr/Ms Palmer, Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. Please find our response letter attached. If you require any further assistance...
Ms Campbell, Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. Please find our acknowledgement letter attached. Many thanks, Jo Woodall Team Leader...
Male-Female employees
Response by Weymouth and Portland Borough Council to Ian King on .


Dear Mr King I refer to your email below in relation to a Freedom of Information request. Please find attached my response. Thanking you. Jo Woodal...