Details of Empty Commercial Properties

Weymouth and Portland Borough Council did not have the information requested.

Natalie Davis

Dear Sir or Madam

Please can you provide me with the following information under the Freedom Of Information Act 2000:-

(a) addresses and rateable values of empty Commercial properties that are within Weymouth & Portland Borough Council area; and

(b) the names of the owners of those properties referred to in (a)

Yours faithfully

Natalie Davis

David Sinclair, Weymouth and Portland Borough Council

1 Attachment

Dear Ms Nash,

Thank you for your request regarding the above. I regret to say that we
cannot respond to you request, as we are currently developing our lists of
empty commercial properties with a view to publish them on our website
soon. This allows us to invoke the S22 Exemption under the Act -
Information intended for future publication. We have not set a date but
we expect to publish in the latter half of the year.

I am sorry that I cannot answer your request and, under the terms of the
FOIA, you have the right to appeal this decision. If you wish to do so,
please write to the Customer Complaints Manager at the address below. If
your appeal is unsuccessful, the you can appeal, in writing, to the
Information Commissioner's Office ([1], the address for
which is below.

If you any further questions please do contact me.

Yours sincerely

David Sinclair

Records Manager

Weymouth & Portland Borough Council, Council Offices, North Quay, Weymouth

Telephone 01305 838619

Weymouth & Portland - Sailing Venue

2012 London Olympic Games & Paralympic Games


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David Sinclair, Weymouth and Portland Borough Council

1 Attachment

Dear Ms Nash,

I apologise for missing off the ICO's address in my earlier email. Here
it is:

The Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane,
Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF

I am sorry for any confusion.

Many thanks

David Sinclair

Records Manager

Weymouth & Portland Borough Council, Council Offices, North Quay, Weymouth

Telephone 01305 838619

Weymouth & Portland - Sailing Venue

2012 London Olympic Games & Paralympic Games