Dear Mr Hughes
Further to your recent request for information, please find attached an acknowledgement letter sent on behalf of Richard Baker, Head of...
Dear Mr Byers
Further to your recent complaint regarding the disclosure of information
for ATISN 5648 and ATISN 5721, please find attached a respons...
Dear Chris Wade
Further to your recent request for information, please find attached an
Acknowledgement letter sent on behalf of Julie Carne
Dear Mr Jaraby
Further to your recent request for information, please find attached a
final response sent on behalf of Patricia Clarke, Commercial L...
Dear Mr MacDonald,
Please find attached disclosure letter sent in respect of your recent
request for information about Grade 7 job descriptions and...
Dear Mr James,
Please find an attached disclosure letter in respect of your recent
request for information about Welsh Government Civil Servant sta...
Dear Mr MacDonald
Further to your recent request for information, please find attached an
acknowledgement letter sent on behalf of Mark Pruce.
Dear Ms Pugh
Further to your recent request for information, please find attached a
final response sent on behalf of, Matthew Denham-Jones
Head of...
Dear Mr Powell,
Please see attached disclosure letter sent in respect of your recent
request for information to the Welsh Government.
<<ATISN 6863...
Dear Mr Edwards
Further to your recent request for information, please find attached an
acknowledgement letter sent on behalf of Jayne Chinnock. Ple...
Dear Amos Holmes,
Freedom of Information Act (Ref.T397)
Thank you for your recent request. Please see below for the information
Dear Mr Thain
Further to your recent request for information, please find attached a
disclosure letter and accompanying annex, sent on behalf of Pau...
Dear Ms Donnelly,
Please see the attached disclosure letter sent in respect of your recent
request for information about organisational charts.
Kenny Thain
8th June 2010
Dear Cyulliad Cenedaethol Cymru National Assembly For Wales
Dear Sir,
I understand that the Welsh...
Dear Ms Jordan
Further to your request for information, please find Attached a final
Yours sincerely
Stephen Downs
If you have received this email in error, please notify us and delete it
from your computer immediately.
FOI / EIR Request
Our reference: 1118806...
<<FW: RYCH Grant Application>>
CORRECTION - Document 12
Peter James
Adfywio Arfordir Gogledd Cymru
North Wales Coast Regeneration
Yr Is-adran Cartr...
Dear Mr Panchaud
Further to your e-mail requesting a review of the handling of your request
for information, I can confirm that a final disclosure l...
Annwyl Rhys,
Diolch am eich ymholiad, mae'r wybodaeth hyn ar gael ar wefan Llywodraeth
Cynulliad Cymru:
I do apologise, our system hasn’t picked up the attachments which I’m
happy to attach for you now.
Head of Information Security and Technology -...
Dear Mr Hyde
Further to your recent request for information, please find attached an
acknowledgement letter, sent on behalf of Helen Lentle in Legal...
Awaiting internal review
Dear Mr Taylor ,
Further to your recent request for information , please find attached a
final disclosure letter sent on behalf of Mr Simon Jenk...
Dear Mr Barber
I attach a response to your Freedom of Information request of 10 June.
If you would like to receive any of the attachments in hard cop...
Dear Ms Hodges
Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information request. I have made
relevant enquiries and can confirm the following respon...
Dear Welsh Assembly Government/Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru,
Kenny Thain
13th July 2010
Dear Cyulliad Cenedaethol Cymru National Asse...