We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Graham Hall please sign in and let everyone know.

Details of a visit by Highways staff to a pothole pending repair

We're waiting for Graham Hall to read a recent response and update the status.

Dear Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council,

I drove over a pothole on Burnedge Lane Grasscroft on 29 December 2022 causing a puncture and requiring a new tyre, cost £90
I have complained through the normal channels but told because the repair was undertaken within 24 hours the council are not liable
My point was that preparatory work had been carried out with debris scraped from the pothole thus making it deeper and left without a traffic cone warning motorists or pedestrians
My question to Linda Mills from Legal Services was when was the pothole inspected and why was it left in such a state but she refused to answer and merely put the phone down
Her manner throughout the conversation was abrupt and generally unhelpful
When I ran over the pothole, it was early in the morning, pitch black and raining so I had no chance of seeing the pothole

Yours faithfully,

Graham Hall

Information Management Team, Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council

REF: FOI 18012

Good morning,

We acknowledge with thanks your application for information, which has been considered as a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

As such, this may take up to 20 working days to be processed and has been passed on to an appropriate officer.

Also please be aware that in certain circumstances an exemption may apply to the information that you have requested. This also includes the possible requirement of the statutory period to supply a response, being extended in accordance with the Act.

Should you have any queries, please contact:  [email address]

Kind regards

Information Management Team
Oldham Council
Civic Centre
West Street
[email address]

show quoted sections

Alan Evans, Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council

Dear Mr Hall


I write with reference to your Freedom of Information Act request relating
to the inspection of a pothole on Burnedge Lane


The Council first received a complaint about the pothole on the afternoon
of 28 December 2022.  An inspector visited the location on 29 December in
the morning and established that the pothole should be repaired within 24
hours.  The inspector did not carry out any preparatory works to the
pothole as you suggest but he did mark it with white paint.  The defect
was then repaired the same day.  This procedure was in accordance with the
Council’s Highway Safety Inspection Policy.


As the Council had only recently been informed of the defect before you
had your accident early on 29 December before the inspector visited the
location, the Council is not liable to pay compensation for the damage
caused to your vehicle.


However I would like to apologise for any inconvenience you have been


Yours sincerely


Alan Evans

Group Solicitor (Environment)

Oldham MBC

Civic Centre

West Street




Tel: (0161) 770 3019

Fax: (0161) 770 3701


[1][email address]


*Please note: For satellite navigation purposes the postcode is OL1 1NL


Visiting the Civic Centre by Metrolink? The nearest stop is Oldham King
Street (2-3 mins walk)





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Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. https://www.oldham.gov.uk/wecanhelp
3. http://www.oldham.gov.uk/dataprotection

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Graham Hall please sign in and let everyone know.