Details About Swine Flu Information Leaflets
Dear Sir or Madam,
I would like to request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act.
- The total number of leaflets produced as of 12 May 2009 entitled "Important Information About Swine Flu"
- The total cost of producing those leaflets
Yours faithfully,
Sam Urquhart
Mr Urquhart
Can you advise if this is only information relevant to Northern Ireland.
Thank You
John McCann
Information Management Branch
Tel: 02890 528218
Dear Mr McCann,
Apologies for not specifying that in my earlier request. The information relates to Northern Ireland only.
Yours sincerely,
Sam Urquhart
Dear Mr Urquhart
Please find attached a reply from Dr Lorraine Doherty regarding your recent
Many thanks,
Karen Pateman
Emergency Planning, Pandemic Flu Team, DHSSPS
Room C4.22, Castle Buildings, Stormont Estate
Belfast, BT4 3SQ
Email: [email address]
Phone: 02890 5(22755)
Dear Karen,
Thanks so much for the reply, and for the information.
Yours sincerely,
Sam Urquhart
I am out of the office until Monday 2 June 2009. I will pick up emails on
my return. Your message has not been forwarded however if it is urgent
and in relation to Swine Flu - please resend your message to
[email address] Thanks Karen.
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