Descriptor Handbook
Dear Department for Work and Pensions,
Please could you provide me with a copy of the Descriptor Handbook as used by DMs and HCPs and which are used to provide consistency in the way that ESA descriptors are interpreted both at the assessment and decision making stages..
Yours faithfully,
B. Adams
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Dear Mr Adams
Please find enclosed a response to your request for a review of the
information previously supplied under the Freedom of Information Act by
the Medical Services Contract Correspondence Team Freedom of Information
<<ESA_Filework_Guidelines_V7 Final.pdf>> <<FOI Response 3585 B Adams.pdf>>
Kind regards
Medical Services Contract Correspondence Unit, Department for Work and
Pensions, Room 306, Block 3, Norcross, Norcross Lane, Blackpool, FY5 3TA
Tel 01253 611556, extn 69956
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