Deportation charter flights 2010-2013 and 2019
Dear Home Office,
This request seeks to complete a previous one (case ref 53475) [1] and should probably be transferred to the Immigration Enforcement Secretariat.
Please supply the dates and destinations of all charter flights leaving the UK in Jan 2010 - Dec 2013 and 2019.
For each of these flights, please state:
A. The date of the flight.
B. The number of Removal Directions issued for the flight
C. The number of people removed (Males, Females, and Children).
D. The number of people withdrawn from the flight, through last minute legal actions or fresh representation or withdrawn for any other reasons.
E. The number of criminal deportations on board.
Yours faithfully,
Y Pahe
Dear Y Pahe,
Thank you for contacting the Home Office with your request.
This has been assigned to a caseworker (case ref 57818). We will aim to
send you a full response by 16/03/2020 which is twenty working days from
the date we received your request.
If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you,
N McKenzie
Home Office
Dear Sir or Madam,
Please find attached a response to your recent Freedom of Information Act
Kind regards
Home Office
Immigration Enforcement Secretariat.
Freedom of Information & Parliamentary Questions Team
Sandford House
West Midlands
Dear Immigration Enforcement Secretariat,
I would like to ensure that you are aware that my request (case ref 57818) is near-identical to request case ref 53475 [1] from April 2019, which is mentioned in my original email and was also handled by your team. I want to attract your attention to the fact that no qualified exemptions were considered at the time and that no PIT was carried out. While I can appreciate the possibility that the previous request was handled erroneously and that the information I have requested might somehow be prejudicial to law enforcement (you mentioned section 31), I would be more inclined to believe that that request was handled competently, had found any arguments against disclosure inapplicable, and constitutes a valid reason to respond to my request without delay.
My request pertains to information for 2010-2013 and 2019. If it is the 2019 data that justifies the PIT, please release the 2010-2013 information now, while continuing work on the PIT. If you cannot make staggered responses to FOIA requests, I would like to only request the data for 2010-2013. If you believe the exemption applies to the whole of my request, please reconsider your decision.
A prompt response to this email would be very appreciated.
Y Pahe
My previous email did not provide the link for the request I was referencing:
Dear IE PQs, FOIs and Correspondence,
The response is now 12 days overdue because of a PIT and my arguments against this decision do not seem to have been taken into consideration. I understand that the current context is not favourable to timely responses, but I hope you can provide me with an update.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Y Pahe
Re: Your Freedom of Information requests 57818 and 57949.
Please find attached some correspondence in relation to your Freedom of
Information Act enquiries.
Kind regards
Home Office
Immigration Enforcement Secretariat.
Freedom of Information & Parliamentary Questions Team
Sandford House
West Midlands
Dear IE PQs, FOIs and Correspondence,
Thanks for your response, I would be very grateful if you could send me an estimate of the time it will take you rather than a standardised apology. I also would like you to acknowledge my latest messages, where I argue that your decision to conduct a PIT does not apply to this case. I include this in full below.
The data that I requested is getting increasingly obsolete because of the delays (which are partly imputable to the lockdown, I understand). In view of this evolution, please include the information available to you for 2020 in addition to what I have already requested in request 57818. I believe that extracting this information would not represent any supplementary effort for you. It is also my understanding that a PIT only allows to postpone the disclosure of information covered by the PIT and not the entirety of the request. If my understanding is wrong and requesting the data for 2020 will force you to further postpone the disclosure, please inform me so I can make a separate request instead of further handicapping my existing request.
Yours sincerely,
Previous message:
I would like to ensure that you are aware that my request (case ref 57818) is near-identical to request case ref 53475 [1] from April 2019, which is mentioned in my original email and was also handled by your team. I want to attract your attention to the fact that no qualified exemptions were considered at the time and that no PIT was carried out. While I can appreciate the possibility that the previous request was handled erroneously and that the information I have requested might somehow be prejudicial to law enforcement (you mentioned section 31), I would be more inclined to believe that that request was handled competently, had found any arguments against disclosure inapplicable, and constitutes a valid reason to respond to my request without delay.
My request pertains to information for 2010-2013 and 2019. If it is the 2019 data that justifies the PIT, please release the 2010-2013 information now, while continuing work on the PIT. If you cannot make staggered responses to FOIA requests, I would like to only request the data for 2010-2013. If you believe the exemption applies to the whole of my request, please reconsider your decision.
A prompt response to this email would be very appreciated.
Dear Y Pahe,
Due to the current COVID-19 situation there are some delays in dealing with FOI requests. I can confirm we are looking to deal with all requests as quickly as possible.
ICO current guidance:
Kind regards
Immigration Enforcement Freedom of Information (FOI)
and Parliamentary Question (PQ) Team
Dear IE PQs, FOIs and Correspondence,
Thanks for your prompt response and for taking into account my latest messages. I am aware of the situation and of the ICO guidance, I'm sorry if my tone sounded adversarial.
Yours sincerely,
Dear IE PQs, FOIs and Correspondence,
It has been a month since my last communication with you about request 57949. The lockdown has been partially lifted in many areas since then, I hope it will allow you to deal with your backlog.
I also want to make sure that any case worker assigned to this case is aware of my requirement that this request be extended to include 2019 and 2020 (given that it was lodged in Feb and it is now Jun). The entirety of my communication with your office about the request 57949 is available here [0]: please be sure to read it before starting work on this.
Yours sincerely,
Dear IE PQs, FOIs and Correspondence,
It has been a month since my last communication with you about request 57818. The lockdown has been partially lifted in many areas since then, I hope it will allow you to deal with your backlog.
I also want to make sure that any case worker assigned to this case is aware of (i) my argument against the PIT (based on the precedents of substantially similar requests), and (ii) my requirement that this request be extended to include 2020 (given that it was lodged in Feb and it is now Jun). These points are contained here [0], and the entirety of my communication with your office about the request 57818 is available here [1]: please be sure to read it before starting work on this.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Y Pahe,
Thank you for contacting the Home Office with your request.
This has been assigned to a caseworker (case ref 58997). We will aim to send you a full response by 30/06/2020 which is twenty working days from the date we received your request.
If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you,
N McKenzie
Home Office
Dear FOI Requests and N McKenzie,
Could you tell me what has been assigned to a caseworker and why?
My request "Deportation charter flights 2010-2013 and 2019" [0] was made in Feb 2020, almost four months, or 80 working days, ago. It was delayed because of a PIT which I have presented a lengthy case against based on the precedents set by your very department. Lockdown added further delays. Please explain why my request would be assigned to a new caseworker now when it already has one, whom I've been writing to for four months.
Yours sincerely,
Thank you for contacting the Home Office FOI Requests Mailbox.
We will endeavour to respond within 2 working days.
If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you,
FOI Requests Home Office
Dear Mr Pahe,
Please find attached a response to your recent Freedom of Information Act
Kind regards
Home Office
Immigration Enforcement Secretariat.
Freedom of Information & Parliamentary Questions Team
Sandford House
West Midlands
Dear IE PQs, FOIs and Correspondence,
I thought I'd attract your attention to the request you recently responded to on WhatDoTheyKnow (58660) [0], which was lodged 2 months after mine (57818), yet was not delayed for four months. The information in the response arguably was sourced from the same database that the caseworker for my request will be looking at
Please respond to my request in full and without further delay.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Home Office,
Please transfer this email to the caseworkers in charge of requests 57818 and 58997, within the Immigration Enforcement secretariat, as there has been a break in communication.
Both of these requests, the communication for which can be found here [1], are now overdue, by 84 and 8 working days respectively. Please respond to these requests, or at least communicate about where the process is.
Yours faithfully,
We will endeavour to respond to your FoI request within 20 working days as
required under Freedom of Information Act 2000
Dear IE PQs, FOIs and Correspondence,
I have not had any reply from you since your apology from 04/06 about the requests 57818 and 58997, which are overdue by 97 and 21 days respectively. The entirety of my communication about these requests is available here [1]. Here's a summary:
- I made the request 57818 on 17/02
- I received a PIT on 16/03
- I presented an argument against the PIT on 18/03, based on the fact that my request was only seeking to update an earlier request from 2019, which was handled without resorting to PITs (this argument has never been acknowledged)
- I asked for a reply on 28/04
- I received a generic apology for the delays on 29/04
- because my request was getting obsolete, I asked for it to be updated on 02/06: this was treated as an additional request by the Home Office (58997)
- I received another generic apology for the delays on 04/06 (the last communication I had with you)
- on 11/06 I attracted the Home Office's attention to the fact that a request similar to mine was treated quickly and without resorting to a PIT: no response
- on 11/07 I wrote to the Home Office to inform them of the lack of communication: automated response
I'm writing to you again about my requests, which are, I repeat, 97 and 21 days overdue. In the course of 5.5 months the only updates from you have been a PIT notice and 2 apologies.
Please, respond to my requests without further delay.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Home Office,
I have not had any reply from you since your apology from 04/06 about the requests 57818 and 58997, which are overdue by 97 and 21 days respectively. The entirety of my communication about these requests is available here [1]. Here's a summary:
- I made the request 57818 on 17/02
- I received a PIT on 16/03
- I presented an argument against the PIT on 18/03, based on the fact that my request was only seeking to update an earlier request from 2019, which was handled without resorting to PITs (this argument has never been acknowledged)
- I asked for a reply on 28/04
- I received a generic apology for the delays on 29/04
- because my request was getting obsolete, I asked for it to be updated on 02/06: this was treated as an additional request by the Home Office (58997)
- I received another generic apology for the delays on 04/06 (the last communication I had with you)
- on 11/06 I attracted the Home Office's attention to the fact that a request similar to mine was treated quickly and without resorting to a PIT: no response
- on 11/07 I wrote to the Home Office to inform them of the lack of communication: automated response
I'm writing to you again about my requests, which are, I repeat, 97 and 21 days overdue. In the course of 5.5 months the only updates from you have been a PIT notice and 2 apologies.
Please, respond to my requests without further delay.
Yours faithfully,
We will endeavour to respond to your FoI request within 20 working days as
required under Freedom of Information Act 2000
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for contacting the Home Office. FOI 58997 has been cancelled. Your FOI request is being handled under FOI 57949.
I have forward your email to the team dealing with your request for their attention.
Thank you,
N McKenzie
Home Office
Dear Y Pahe
Thank you for your email regarding FOI 57818 We will respond to it in due course. However, Please note that FOI number 58997 was responded to earlier this week within the response to FOI 57949.
Kind regards
Home Office
Immigration Enforcement Secretariat.
Freedom of Information & Parliamentary Questions Team
Sandford House
West Midlands
Dear IE PQs, FOIs and Correspondence,
Thanks for this explanation, I misquoted the request I was referring to.
Request 58997 was referring to the questions contained in request 57949, but for 2020: I have acknowledged your response earlier today and understand that the information is not available before Aug 2020.
However, I also made a request referring to the questions contained in request 57818 but for 2020. It seems that this add-on was acknowledged but not treated as a new request but rather simply included into request 57818. Hence, I'm only requiring a response to (the updated) request 57818, which is 97 days overdue, and covers 2010-2013 and 2019-2020.
Yours sincerely,
Dear IE PQs, FOIs and Correspondence,
To my knowledge, request 57818 has never been responded to.
This request has been made in Feb 2020.
It is now 118 overdue. This amounts to almost 24 weeks, or almost 6 months.
Please respond to this request. Please take into account all of the communication for this request, available here [1].
Yours sincerely,
Dear IE PQs, FOIs and Correspondence,
To avoid a failure on your part to take into account all of the available communication:
Given how obsolete this request is now, on 02/06 I asked for it to be updated so as to include the information for 2020, in addition to what was originally requested (2010-2013 and 2019). It was accepted as a request, but the case ref was never communicated to me.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Mr Pahe,
Please find attached a response to your recent Freedom of Information Act
Kind regards
Home Office
Immigration Enforcement Secretariat.
Freedom of Information & Parliamentary Questions Team
Sandford House
West Midlands
Dear Mr Pahe,
Please find attached a response to your recent Freedom of Information Act
Kind regards
Home Office
Immigration Enforcement Secretariat.
Freedom of Information & Parliamentary Questions Team
Sandford House
West Midlands
Dear IE PQs, FOIs and Correspondence,
Thanks for replying to my request from February of this year.
At multiple times in our communication I explicitly stated that this request had become obsolete because of the 7 months it took you to fulfil it, and added an additional request for 2020 data to be included. I made this extension to the request explicit several times. My last message to you reads:
>To avoid a failure on your part to take into account all of the available communication:
> Given how obsolete this request is now, on 02/06 I asked for it to be updated so as to include the information for 2020, in addition to what was originally requested (2010-2013 and 2019).
And yet you failed to take into account this extension, stated several times, despite having been communicating with me for 7 months now.
I expect that you will promptly send me the extended response promptly, without engaging into new delays for a request that is by now 3.5 months old.
Yours sincerely,
Y Pahe,
Thank you for contacting the Home Office with your request.
This has been assigned to a caseworker (case ref 60378). We will aim to send you a full response by 13/10/2020 which is twenty working days from the date we received your request.
If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you,
P. Zebedee
FOI Requests
Home Office
Dear FOI Requests,
Request 60738 sumps up to: please add data for 2020 to request 57818.
I have formulated this request (now given the ref 60738) on 02/06. You have written an acknowledgement on 04/06.
Too aware of the delays that the IE secretariat can take to respond to requests and their difficulties of even keeping track of requests, I have reiterated my demand to add 2020 data to request 57818 a total of 4 times since June. My last message to you before you responded to 57818 specifically tried to avoid the current situation. It seems that the IE Secretariat failed to read any of that communication, or that the FOI requests department failed to transfer the relevant communication.
Today, you are treating request 60738 as a new request and asking me to wait another month. To explain my insistence: it took the IE Secretariat 28 weeks to respond to request 57818. What is not request 60738 has been made 16 weeks ago already. Please do not delay this for another month.
Yours sincerely,
Thank you for contacting the Home Office Freedom of Information Requests
This is to acknowledge receipt of your email.
Thank you for contacting the Home Office Freedom of Information Requests
This is to acknowledge receipt of your email.
Dear Home Office,
Please address the content of this message [0].
Yours faithfully,
Thank you for contacting the Home Office Freedom of Information Requests
This is to acknowledge receipt of your email.
Dear Mr Pahe,
Please find attached a response to your recent Freedom of Information Act
Kind regards
Home Office
Immigration Enforcement Secretariat.
Freedom of Information & Parliamentary Questions Team
Sandford House
West Midlands
Dear Mr Pahe,
Please find attached a response to your recent Freedom of Information Act
Kind regards
Home Office
Immigration Enforcement Secretariat.
Freedom of Information & Parliamentary Questions Team
Sandford House
West Midlands
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