Dentistry BDS Request 2024
Dear University of Dundee,
I am writing to obtain some statistics on your A-level entry BDS course. Please can you compile a document of the following information from the past 3 application cycles (2024, 2023, 2022 entry):
-Number of applications, number of interviews and number of offers given out (per year)
-Lowest, Highest and average UCAT scores of those invited to interviews, not including widening participation or contextual applicants (per year)
-Lowest, Highest and average A-levels of those invited to interviews, not including widening participation or contextual applicants (per year)
-What does the selection process consist of and how are GCSEs, UCAT scores, A-levels, personal statements etc, weighed
-Is higher priority given to local applicants
-Also, are A-level resits accepted and if so, are there any restrictions - e.g. a particular grade must be achieved in the first sitting or a particular grade must be achieved in the second sitting or only a set number of subjects resat will be accepted etc.
For some context, I have already obtained my A-level resit grades and hope to apply for Dentistry BDS this UCAS cycle.
Thank you in advance for the help and I hope to hear from you soon.
Kind regards,
Fiona Hyseni
Thank you for contacting the University of Dundee.
If your message contains a request for information the University will
respond no later than 20 working days from its receipt (or one month from
receipt in the case of requests for your own personal information).
Caroline Brown
Information Governance Department
University of Dundee
Dundee DD1 4HN
The University of Dundee is a registered Scottish Charity, No: SC015096
Dear Fiona Hyseni,
Reference: FOI_250
We refer to your recent request for information dated 21/09/2024 which has
been handled in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act
For ease or reference your request is replicated below together with the
Your request:
I am writing to obtain some statistics on your A-level entry BDS course.
Please can you compile a document of the following information from the
past 3 application cycles (2024, 2023, 2022 entry):
1. Number of applications, number of interviews and number of offers given
out (per year)
2. Lowest, Highest and average UCAT scores of those invited to interviews,
not including widening participation or contextual applicants (per year)
3. Lowest, Highest and average A-levels of those invited to interviews,
not including widening participation or contextual applicants (per year)
4. What does the selection process consist of and how are GCSEs, UCAT
scores, A-levels, personal statements etc, weighed
5. Is higher priority given to local applicants
6. Also, are A-level resits accepted and if so, are there any restrictions
- e.g. a particular grade must be achieved in the first sitting or a
particular grade must be achieved in the second sitting or only a set
number of subjects resat will be accepted etc.
Response to the request:
Please note that you can find the responses to queries 1,2,3 + 5 on our
website; here is the [1]direct link. This information is consequently
exempt from release under section 25 of FOISA - Information otherwise
Q. 4 - The interview selection process consists of scoring the academic
qualifications - and it depends on certified and predicted study and on
the combination of that score with the applicant's UCAT score - the
combined score is then used to rank applicants - the combined score for
non-graduates: 60% Academic Score and 40% UCAT Score and for Graduates:
40% Academic Score and 60% UCAT Score. Personal Statement - this component
is not scored - discussed at interview.
Q. 6 - Resits are not normally accepted but may be considered on a
case-by-case basis if they are a result of mitigating or extenuating
circumstances. An example for resetting might depend on medical reasons –
in that case, the University may need to request evidence of that. Another
example would be a very difficult situation at home which affected the
applicant's ability to study. We would always recommend disclosing any
circumstances that had an impact on someone's education, and it helps when
this information is confirmed by the referee.
We hope you can find the information provided helpful.
If you are not satisfied with the way in which your request has been dealt
with, you are entitled in the first instance, and within 40 working days
of receiving this letter, to request a review of the actions of the
University of Dundee in handling your request.
Should you wish to do so, contact details are: [2][University of Dundee
request email]. Please remember to quote the above reference number in
your correspondence and to provide details of why you are requesting a
If, after receiving the internal review response, you remain dissatisfied,
you have six months within which you may appeal to the Scottish
Information Commissioner:
Scottish Information Commissioner
Kinburn Castle
Doubledykes Road
St Andrews
KY16 9DS
Website: [3]
Should you wish to appeal against the Scottish Information Commissioner's
decision, there is an appeal to the Court of Session on a point of law
If you have any queries in relation to this letter do not hesitate to
contact us.
Yours sincerely,
University of Dundee
From: Fiona <[FOI #1177934 email]>
Sent: 21 September 2024 18:37
To: FreedomOfInformation <[email address]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Dentistry BDS Request 2024
[You don't often get email from [FOI #1177934 email]. Learn why this is
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CAUTION: This email originated from outside the University of Dundee. Do
not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender's
email address and know the content is safe.
Dear University of Dundee,
I am writing to obtain some statistics on your A-level entry BDS course.
Please can you compile a document of the following information from the
past 3 application cycles (2024, 2023, 2022 entry):
-Number of applications, number of interviews and number of offers given
out (per year)
-Lowest, Highest and average UCAT scores of those invited to interviews,
not including widening participation or contextual applicants (per year)
-Lowest, Highest and average A-levels of those invited to interviews, not
including widening participation or contextual applicants (per year)
-What does the selection process consist of and how are GCSEs, UCAT
scores, A-levels, personal statements etc, weighed
-Is higher priority given to local applicants
-Also, are A-level resits accepted and if so, are there any restrictions -
e.g. a particular grade must be achieved in the first sitting or a
particular grade must be achieved in the second sitting or only a set
number of subjects resat will be accepted etc.
For some context, I have already obtained my A-level resit grades and hope
to apply for Dentistry BDS this UCAS cycle.
Thank you in advance for the help and I hope to hear from you soon.
Kind regards,
Fiona Hyseni
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #1177934 email]
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Information requests to University of Dundee? If so, please contact us
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For more detailed guidance on safely disclosing information, read the
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Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will
be delayed.
If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.
The University of Dundee is a registered Scottish Charity, No: SC015096
Visible links
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