Dentistry (A200) Admissions Statistics
Dear University of Leeds,
I have a request regarding information on the universities dentistry school. All questions are for last years UCAS cycle.
1) How many of the students admitted were studying A Levels?
2) How many of the students admitted were international?
3) How many of each category of students that I have mentioned above were:
i) Rejected pre interview
ii) Rejected post interview
iii) Given an offer
By each category, I am referring to the categories 'A Level students'.
4) For each applicant, can I get their UKCAT score, their GCSE results, degree result or prediction, A Level results or prediction, pre interview score and interview score? If it is not possible to give all the data within the time limit of 18 hours, I would ask the university give me a sample of randomised data such that the time and cost constraints are met.
5) I would also request for a copy of the interview form that the university uses to assess a candidate during the interview for the Dentistry course. This request is applicable for this years entry cycle and I would like the forms for interview for both the undergraduate and post graduate interviews.
6)I would also like to know what the selection process is when determining a candidates suitability for the five year course. If any form is used to assess this, I would also like a copy of this.
I hope that this is not too much trouble for the university and I hope they can meet my requests without too much trouble. If possible, I would like all data to be in an excel format or word or pdf format if possible.
Yours faithfully,
Ayush Kotecha
Dear Ayush
Freedom of Information request reference L/23/245
Thank you for your Freedom of Information (FOI) request.
The University of Leeds aims to respond to all FOI requests within 20-working days of receipt. If this timeframe changes, I will write to provide you with an update.
If you have any questions about your request, please contact us at [University of Leeds request email]
Freedom of Information Officer
Dear Ayush
Freedom of Information Response (Our Ref: L/23/245)
Thank you for your Freedom of Information (‘FOI’) request, reference L/23/245.
The University of Leeds holds some of this information.
Your request read:
“I have a request regarding information on the universities dentistry school. All questions are for entry in 2022.
1) How many of the students admitted were studying A Levels?
The University’s School of Dentistry does not retain this information.
2) How many of the students admitted were international?
71 students started the course, with 3 being non-UK domiciled students.
3) How many of each category of students that I have mentioned above were:
i) Rejected pre interview
ii) Rejected post interview
iii) Given an offer
By each category, I am referring to the categories 'A Level students'.
As noted above, this information is not retained.
4) For each applicant, can I get their UKCAT score, their GCSE results, degree result or prediction, A Level results or prediction, pre interview score and interview score? If it is not possible to give all the data within the time limit of 18 hours, I would ask the university give me a sample of randomised data such that the time and cost constraints are met.
We do not retain information regarding the predicted or achieved GCSE or A-level grades of applicants. Please note that not all applicants take GCSE or A-level courses before their application to University (e.g. mature students; students who did not study in England or Wales). Applicants who do not hold relevant or sufficiently strong GCSE or A-level (or equivalent) grades will not progress through the applications process and as such there is no benefit to us retaining this information.
5) I would also request for a copy of the interview form that the university uses to assess a candidate during the interview for the Dentistry course. This request is applicable for this years entry cycle and I would like the forms for interview for both the undergraduate and post graduate interviews.
6)I would also like to know what the selection process is when determining a candidates suitability for the five year course. If any form is used to assess this, I would also like a copy of this.”
Regarding both Q5 and Q6 above, a description of the entry process is available on the relevant course page of the University website. However, forms used for the purposes of assessing candidates are being withheld under Section 43 of the Act. Section 43(2) sets out that information can be withheld if disclosure would, or would be likely to, prejudice the commercial interests of any person or organisation, unless there is an overwhelming public interest in disclosure. In this case, we are concerned that to release such documents will inhibit the University’s ability to conduct a free and fair admissions process in relation to this particular course. Section 43(2) is a qualified exemption. This means that the University of Leeds is required to consider whether the public interest in releasing the information exceeds the public interest in maintaining the exemption. There is a general public interest inherent in the FOI Act which supports the disclosure of information on an open and transparent basis. However, in this case, we consider this interest to be heavily outweighed by the public interest in enabling the University to conduct free and fair admissions processes, something that is integral to the University’s academic and commercial activity.
We hope this information is helpful. If you have any questions about this email, however, please do not hesitate to contact us on [University of Leeds request email]
If you are unhappy with the service you have received in relation to your request, you can request an internal review. Requests for internal review should be made in writing using the following contact information:
Email: [University of Leeds request email]
Requests for internal review should be submitted within 40 working days of receiving the University’s response to your request. Further information about how the University manages FOI requests and about our complaints procedure is available on our website (
If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. Generally, the Information Commissioner cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the review/complaints procedure provided by the University. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.
Freedom of Information Officer
University of Leeds
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