Delta Variant Testing
Dear Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency,
1.Please send me the recorded information of how Delta variant is tested for.
2. What test is used and how delta variant is distinguished from other variants.
3.Do MHRA have the genetic sequence of the different variants , if so please give me that recorded information and where it derived from. If not please tell me who does.
4. If not how does MHRA independently come to decisions on safety without this information.
Yours faithfully,
Ann McNeil
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Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
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________________________________________ From: Ann McNeil
<[FOI #796702 email]> Sent: Sunday, October 3, 2021
2:04:46 PM To: MHRA Customer Services Subject: Freedom of Information
request - Delta Variant Testing Dear Medicines and Healthcare Products
Regulatory Agency, 1.Please send me the recorded information of how Delta
variant is tested for. 2. What test is used and how delta variant is
distinguished from other variants. 3.Do MHRA have the genetic sequence of
the different variants , if so please give me that recorded information
and where it derived from. If not please tell me who does. 4. If not how
does MHRA independently come to decisions on safety without this
information. Yours faithfully, Ann McNeil
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Dear Ann McNeil,
Thank you for your email.
This information is not held by MHRA but by the UK Health Security Agency they can be contacted at [email address]
With regards to your 4th question please can you confirm what decisions on safety you are referring to?
Kind regards,
MHRA Customer Service Centre
Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
10 South Colonnade, Canary Wharf, London E14 4PU
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