Delays with simple procedure - Edinburgh
Dear Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service,
With regards to the civil, simple procedure department in Edinburgh:
1) What is the current processing time for simple procedure civil online claims to be processed? (I've submitted two over the Christmas period that do not seem to have been processed yet)
2) What is the current processing time, for civil online, request to restart? (I'm at well over a week)
3) What is the current processing time for requests for default judgements in undefended cases? (I'm at well over a week)
4) What is the current response time for responding to e-mails? (I requested clarification of case numbers some weeks ago and received no response)
5) What is the average wait tine for phone calls to be answered?
6) How many/what percentage of phone calls are going unanswered (please state the period you are referring to ) - About half of my own calls are left unanswered.
7. What is being done to address this backlog of cases
Yours faithfully,
[Name Removed]
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Good afternoon
Please find attached response to the Freedom of Information request below.
Kind regards
Elaine Mackie
Head of Civil Department
Edinburgh Sheriff and Justice of the Peace Court
27 Chambers Street, Edinburgh EH1 1LB
0131 247 2847
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Dear Mackie, Elaine,
Thank you for this, could you confirm:
1) What were the number of cases in Edinburgh small claims that were live when SCTS decided to go into lock-down?
2) What number of these have had ANY progression since then.
3) How many new cases have been lodged.
4) The total number of live cases
5) The average number of cases currently being processed each week?
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
[Name Removed]
I am now on maternity leave and will return to work in the Spring of 2021. Please forward all emails to Elaine Wilson [email address].
Elaine Mackie
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