Defib Locations

Waiting for an internal review by London Ambulance Service NHS Trust of their handling of this request.

Dear London Ambulance Service NHS Trust,

I would be grateful if you could supply me with details of the locations of publicly accessible automated external defibrillators (AEDs). For each unit, I would particularly like to know a location description / address, postcode, location coordinates (if known), reference number, and owner/operator.

I do NOT wish to know any access codes required to open the cabinets. I have a strong preference for receiving this information in a re-usable electronic format, e.g. a CSV file (preferred) or an Excel spreadsheet.

Yours faithfully,

Jay Russell

FOI Admin, London Ambulance Service NHS Trust

Thank you for your request for information placed under the Freedom of
Information Act (2000). We will provide you with a substantive response in
due course. Freedom of Information Office London Ambulance Service NHS

Janice Abraham, London Ambulance Service NHS Trust


Dear Jay


Your request for information has been handled under the Freedom of
Information Act.


I can confirm that the London Ambulance Service holds the information


We have considered your request and we are withholding the information
requested under the below exemptions.


Section 31(1)(a) Prevention or detection of crime –  In considering the
public interest in favour of disclosure, I appreciate that there is a
public interest in the general principles of transparency and
accountability. More specifically how public funds and services are
managed.  Disclosure of this information would ensure transparency and
demonstrate how the Trust is achieving value for money.


However, in considering the public interest in favour of withholding the information, disclosure of this information could prejudice the security of equipment, in particular externally located defibrillators, which if stolen or damaged, could affect our operations and place patients at risk.   

As such, we have concluded that the public interest in withholding this information outweighs the public interest in disclosure. 

Section 41(1) , Information provided in confidence – In considering the
public interest in favour of disclosure, I appreciate that there is a
public interest in the general principles of transparency and
accountability.  More specifically how public funds and services are
managed.  Disclosure of this information would ensure transparency and
demonstrate how the Trust is achieving value for money.


However, in considering the public interest against disclosure, the
requested information includes information that has been provided by a
third party, i.e. by our owner/operator of the equipment, and because
there was an expectation when the information was supplied that it would
remain confidential.  Were the Trust to disclose the information
requested, we would risk a legal challenge for breach of confidence, which
would result in the Trust having to spend public funds defending itself,
which would not be in the public interest.   As such, we have concluded
that the public interest in withholding the requested information
outweighs the public interest in disclosure.


I trust that you are satisfied with this response.  If you are
dissatisfied you have the right to ask for an internal review of how the
Trust has handled your request.  An internal review is carried out by a
senior officer on behalf of our Chief Executive.  If you remain
dissatisfied following the outcome of our internal review, you have a
right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) at


Yours sincerely





Janice Abraham

Information Governance Manager

London Ambulance Service NHS Trust

[2][email address]

020 7783 2730


Respectful | Professional | Innovative | Collaborative

Building a world-class ambulance service for a world-class city







show quoted sections

Dear London Ambulance Service NHS Trust,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of London Ambulance Service NHS Trust's handling of my FOI request 'Defib Locations'.

I'd like to understand which elements of my request are deemed in conflict with Section 41(1)? We have requested this information from other trusts who have provided the information freely, some of whom publish locations on their websites in the interest of public safety.

I work for a charity whom work with local communities, residents associations, business and councils to fundraise, purchase, install and register defibrillators that are public access.This information will help us to identify areas of low coverage in an attempt to improve provision and support ambulance trusts like yourselves.

In order to do so I require locations of publicly accessible automated external defibrillators (AEDs). For each unit, I would particularly like to know a location description / address, postcode, location coordinates (if known) and reference number. I do NOT wish to know any access codes required to open the cabinets.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

I'll await your response.

Jay Russell

Dear Janice Abraham,

Please could I request an update on this request?

Yours sincerely,

Jay Russell