Deferred entry
Dear University of St Andrews,
I would grateful if you would provide the following statistics regarding deferred entry for the History course (V100) at St. Andrews University. I previously submitted another request asking for similar information; however, I have reformatted my question into a more realistic request that fits with the information that the University already holds.
Please could you provide, if possible:
(a) The number of places for deferred entry given for History in the 2016-17 cycle.
(b) The percentage of deferred entry places out of the total number of places give for the History course, in the 2016-17 cycle.
(b) The number of places for deferred entry given for History already in the 2017-18 cycle.
Yours faithfully,
Cecelia Knight
Dear Ms Knight,
Thank you for your email below of 24 April, 2018, refining your earlier request for information seeking statistics regarding deferred entry to History course (V100). I am liaising with colleagues in the relevant department to ascertain the position in terms of the level of information that we hold in our records.
The University will endeavour to respond to your request as quickly as possible. In any event you will receive a response within the time set for compliance, as prescribed in section 10 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 i.e. no later than 23 May, 2018.
It may prove necessary for the University to seek further clarification from you, to assist it in identifying and locating the information requested. If this is the case either I or one of my colleagues will write to you in this respect. If clarification is required we will seek this at the earliest opportunity.
In the meantime, should you have any questions about your information request please do not hesitate to contact me. Please quote Ref number 153-18, in any future correspondence in this connection.
Yours sincerely,
June Weir
Information Assurance and Governance Officer
Office of the Principal
University of St Andrews
Butts Wynd Building
Butts Wynd
St Andrews KY16 9AJ
Fife, Scotland
Tel: +44 (0)1334 462776
The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland: No SC013532
Dear Ms Knight,
Please find attached the University’s response to your request below for
information under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.
Yours sincerely,
June Weir
Information Assurance and Governance Officer
Office of the Principal
University of St Andrews
Butts Wynd Building
Butts Wynd
St Andrews KY16 9AJ
Fife, Scotland
Tel: +44 (0)1334 462776
The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland: No
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