Defence Communication Priorities

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Ministry of Defence should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear Ministry of Defence,

Please disclose the following:

1) What are the current defence communication priorities when dealing with non-news media project applications?
2) Do the defence communication priorities change frequently?
3) Does a defence public relations (DPR) officer have the final say over defence communication priorities when dealing with non-news media projects?

Yours faithfully,

Tarik Ata

DDC-Secretariat Parliamentary (MULTIUSER), Ministry of Defence

Dear Mr Ata thank you for your further requests submitted to the Ministry
of Defence (MOD) asking various questions under the Freedom of Information


Receipt of the following two requests are acknowledged and have been
allocated the reference numbers indicated below. Both have the deadline 11
April.  Please note that submitting multiple requests on the same subject
does not avoid the cost limit of the FOI Act.  The department can
amalgamate requests on the same subject and refuse to answer them if they
exceed the limit of the FOI Act.  You may wish to bear that in mind if you
intend to submit multiple requests on a regular basis. I note that you
have now submitted 14 requests in only a three week period.




Please disclose the following:


1) What are the PR assessments made by the MOD when deciding to support
(financially, advisory, or materially) a non-news media project?

2) Has the MOD refused to support (financially, advisory, or materially) a
non-news media project due to a PR assessment?




Please disclose the following:


1) What are the current defence communication priorities when dealing with
non-news media project applications?

2) Do the defence communication priorities change frequently?

3) Does a defence public relations (DPR) officer have the final say over
defence communication priorities when dealing with non-news media





Ground Floor Zone B

MOD Main Building




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DDC-Secretariat Parliamentary (MULTIUSER), Ministry of Defence

1 Attachment

Dear Tarik Ata


Please see a combined response to your FOI requests references
FOI2023/03182 and FOI2023/03183.





Ground Floor Zone B

MOD Main Building




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