Requests similar to 'Deaths recorded as Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome or Sudden Adult Death Syndrome'

Dear Glenn O'Connor REF: NUH 61807 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 2000 - INFORMATION REQUEST I am writing in response to your correspondence 30/07/2022 ...
Coding of SADS
Request sent to Office for National Statistics by trevor cooper on .


Dear Sir or Madam Sometimes a Coroner will certify the cause of death as Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome or Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. Are such ca...
Dear C Tuson Please find attached the response to your Freedom of Information Request.  Sorry for the delay. The information we have provided to yo...
Dear Ms Saunders,   Re: Freedom of Information request (Our Ref: FOI-056508)   Thank you for your Freedom of Information (FOI) request dated 30...
FOI 17/047 Dear Ms Bridget Coldwell, Thank you for your email. Please find attached the response to your FOI request. Kind Regards, Customer...
Atos doctors directives
Response by Department for Work and Pensions to Barry Almond on .


Dear Mr Almond Please see attached response and first batch of accompanying documents to your FoI request, remainder to follow separately. Kind regar...
Our Ref: FOI 22/1080   Dear CHP Gillow,   Thank you for your request under the Freedom of Information Act, please accept our apologies for the...
ATOS Doctors' directive guides
Response by Department for Work and Pensions to SJ Kirtley on .


Dear Mr Kirtley Please see your FOI response attached Kind regards Health & Disability Assessments (Operations)/Department for Work and Pensions/Ro...
LiMA and Medication
Response by Department for Work and Pensions to John Slater on .


Dear Mr Slater Please see your FOI response attached Kind regards Health & Disability Assessments (Operations)/Department for Work and Pensions/Roo...
Dear CHP Gillow   Please find attached 3 disclosure documents for your request for information on the AZ Vaxzevria Trial D8111C00004. These were a...
LIMA Evidence Based Medicine (EBM)
Response by Department for Work and Pensions to B. Adams on .


Dear Mr Adams Please see your FOI response attached - please accept our apologies for the missing attachments. <<IR835 Adams response.pdf>> <<Arrh...
Sudden infant death stats questions
Response by Office for National Statistics to Mr S Rai on .


Our Reference: FOI01268/QE1 Dear Mr Rai, I understand that you would like to know how many children who have died suddenly have been vaccinated an...
Evidence based protocols
Response by Department for Work and Pensions to Gerald Carzer on .


Dear Mr Carzer Please see your FOI response attached Kind regards Health & Disability Assessments (Operations)/Department for Work and Pensions/Roo...
Dear Sir/Madam Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. On behalf of University Hospitals Bristol, I at...
Our Reference: FOI01226/Smith/QE1 Thank you for your email. I am writing to confirm that the Office for National Statistics has now completed its se...
Good afternoon, Please see the attached, in response to your FOI request. Kind regards, Freedom of Information team   Freeman Hospital, Freeman Road...
ALL EBM Protocols
Response by Department for Work and Pensions to Katrina Rodgers on .


Dear Katrina Rodgers,   Please see our response to your recent Freedom of Information request plus the requested attachments. Because of email size...
Effects of Directed Energy radiation on people
Response by Ministry of Defence to D.Mackenzie on .

Partially successful

Classification: Unclassified Dear Mr Mackenzie,   We attach our FOI response to your request dated 17 April 2013.       FOI Department...
Library Catalogue
Response by Ministry of Justice to John Cross on .


Dear Mr Cross Find attached the response to your recent Freedom of Information request. Kind Regards Data Access and Compliance Unit. <<FOI 696...
Substance abuse deaths
Response by Department of Health and Social Care to Emma Quinlan on .

Information not held

Our ref: DE00000685327    Dear Ms Quinlan,   Thank you for your correspondence of 02 March about FOI - Substance abuse statistics.  I have been as...
Dear Ms Beamont, Please find the Department's response to your recent FOI request attached. Yours sincerely, Anna Coundley Freedom of Information...
FOI 17/146 Dear Ms Coldwell, Thank you for your email. Please find attached the response to your FOI request. Kind Regards, Customer Services...
Dear Ms [last name removed]   Please find attached a final response to your recent FOI request to the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC)....
Minutes of approval meetings for FLAIR trial
Response by University of Leeds to Andrew Layton on .

Partially successful

Dear Andrew Freedom of Information Response (Our Ref: K/22/314) Thank you for your Freedom of Information (FOI) request dated 29th August 2022, refer...
Dear Jason Erickson, I am writing in response to your request for information, received 5th July. Yours sincerely, DWP Central FoI Team DWP Cen...