Deaths of patients with a learning disability and serious incidents

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Bolton NHS Foundation Trust should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear Bolton NHS Foundation Trust,

Please would you provide the following information:

1) the number of deaths of patients with a learning disability that occurred in the last three years (by years defined as 1/4/16 - 31/3/17, 1/4/17 - 31/3/18, 1/4/18 to present).

2) the number of deaths of patients with a learning disability reported as an incident on the National Reporting and Learning System (NLRS) in the last three years (defined as above)

3) the number of deaths of patients with a learning disability reported as an incident on the Strategic Executive Information System (STEIS) in the last three years (defined as above)

I look forward to hearing from you,
Many thanks
Dr George Julian

Freedom of Information, Bolton NHS Foundation Trust



Ref No:       2019-207


Dear Sir/Madam,


Thank you for your email dated 18^th March 2019 requesting information
about Deaths of patients with a learning disability and serious incidents.


Your request is being dealt with under the terms of the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 and will be answered within twenty working days. 


If you have any queries about this request do not hesitate to contact me.
Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future



The information supplied to you continues to be protected by the Copyright
Design and Patents Act 1998. You are free to use it for your own purposes,
including any non-commercial research you are doing and for the purposes
of news reporting. Any other reuse, for example commercial publication
requires the permission of the Trust. You must ensure you gain the Trust
permission before reproducing any third party information.




Yours sincerely,


Information Governance Department


Informatics Building

Opposite N Block

Royal Bolton Hospital

' 01204 390390 Ext 3982

8  [1][email address]


Our Bolton NHS Foundation Trust values
Vision Openess Integrity Compassion Excellence



show quoted sections

Freedom of Information, Bolton NHS Foundation Trust



Ref No:       2019-207


Dear Sir/Madam,


Thank you for your email dated 18^th March 2019 requesting information
about Deaths of patients with a learning disability and serious incidents.


To proceed with your Freedom of Information can you clarify the following


|It is not clear if this refers to deaths in the hospital or  in other |
|establishments for example at home. |
| |
|Do you want the information for Adults or Children? |




Yours sincerely,


Information Governance Department


Informatics Building

Opposite N Block

Royal Bolton Hospital

' 01204 390390 Ext 3982

8  [1][email address]


Our Bolton NHS Foundation Trust values
Vision Openess Integrity Compassion Excellence



show quoted sections

Dear Freedom of Information,

Thank you for seeking clarification.

In terms of location of deaths, I am interested in all deaths of patients with a learning disability. If you wished to break that down as inpatient and outpatient that would be helpful, but not essential. If only one category were possible within time limitations then inpatients would be most helpful.

I am interested in all patients, so adults and children. Again if you wished to break that down that would be helpful, but not essential. If only one category were possible within time limitations then adults would be most helpful.

I hope that this is clearer,
Many thanks