Deaths of patients with a learning disability and serious incidents

The request was successful.

Dear West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust,

Please would you provide the following information:

1) the number of deaths of patients with a learning disability that occurred in the last three years (by years defined as 1/4/16 - 31/3/17, 1/4/17 - 31/3/18, 1/4/18 to present).

2) the number of deaths of patients with a learning disability reported as an incident on the National Reporting and Learning System (NLRS) in the last three years (defined as above)

3) the number of deaths of patients with a learning disability reported as an incident on the Strategic Executive Information System (STEIS) in the last three years (defined as above)

I look forward to hearing from you,
Many thanks
Dr George Julian

FOI, West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust

Freedom of Information Request Acknowledgement

Thank you for your request which was received by us on 18th March 2019

Under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000 we are required to provide a response within 20 working days. You should expect to receive a response by 15th April 2019

We will advise you if we do not hold the information requested or if an exemption applies.

Your request has been given the reference number FOI 19-10953.

FOI Team

T: 01284 712941 | Ext: 2941

West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust
Hardwick Lane|Bury St Edmunds|SUFFOLK|IP33 2QZ

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FOI, West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust

Dear Dr. Julian


I am writing to confirm that the West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust has now
completed its search for the information which you requested on 18^th
March 2019


Please find our response to your request below.


1) the number of deaths of patients with a learning disability that
occurred in the last three years (by years defined as 1/4/16 - 31/3/17,
1/4/17 - 31/3/18, 1/4/18 to present).


2) the number of deaths of patients with a learning disability reported as
an incident on the National Reporting and Learning System (NLRS) in the
last three years (defined as above)


3) the number of deaths of patients with a learning disability reported as
an incident on the Strategic Executive Information System (STEIS) in the
last three years (defined as above)



Financial Year Number of Deaths LD deaths reported LD deaths reported to
2016 / 2017 5 0 0
2017 / 2018 8 2 2
2018 / 2019 9 0 0
Grand Total 22 2 2




The information supplied to you continues to be protected by the
Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. You are free to use it for your
own purposes, including any non-commercial research and for the purposes
of news reporting. Any other reuse, for example commercial publication,
would require the permission of the copyright holder.


If you are unhappy with the service you have received in relation to your
request and wish to make a complaint or request a review of our decision,
you should write to:


Chief Executive

West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust

Hardwick Lane

Bury St Edmunds

Suffolk IP33 2QZ


If you are not content with the outcome of your complaint, you may request
the Information Commissioner’s Office to carry out a review.


Kind regards


FOI Team


T: 01284 713043 | Ext: 3043


West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust
Hardwick Lane|Bury St Edmunds|SUFFOLK|IP33 2QZ




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