Deaths in Custody of Irish citizens

The request was partially successful.

Dear Independent Advisory Panel on Deaths in Custody,

I wish to request information under Freedom of Information regarding the deaths of prisoners, detainees and patients with Irish citizenship.

- How many Irish citizens died in prison in the UK since 2003.

- How many Irish citizens died while being held in police custody in the UK in the past year? (2013)

- How many Irish citizens died in the UK while being detained under the Mental Health Act?

Yours faithfully,

Mary McDonnell

Independent Advisory Panel [NOMS],

Dear Ms McDonnell

Please be aware that I have forward your request to the Data Access &
Compliance Unit at the Ministry of Justice to deal with your request and
that they will be responding to you direct. The IAP do not hold the
information you are after.

Kind regards

Alicia Balaquidan | Secretariat Team | Ministerial Council on Deaths in
e: [email address]

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Dear Independent Advisory Panel [NOMS],

Thank you for your swift and helpful response.

Yours sincerely,

Mary McDonnell

Stradling, Ed [HMPS],

1 Attachment

Dear Ms McDonnell,

Please find attached a reply to your request of 5 December under the
Freedom of Information Act.

Apologies for the delay in replying.

<<FOI 87352 Mary McDonnell.doc>>

Ed Stradling
Head of Performance,
NOMS Planning & Analysis Group,

E-mail: [email address]

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