Deaths from covid not with covid

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Dear Grampian Health Board,

I am doing independent research into covid 19. Under The Freedom of information act I would like you to please supply me with the following:
How many people have died in Aberdeen Royal infirmary from covid 19 alone? That is they were admitted to hospital and died due to covid 19 and not any other reason. I can see the numbers you publish online but these are deaths within 28 days of a positive pcr test which obviously is false information as they could have died from anything else. I would like to know the exact figure of those that died from 1st February 2020 until 31st December 2020 due to covid 19 alone please.
Can you also tell me of those that have died of covid 19 how many tested positive for covid 19?
Yours faithfully,
Susan Campbell

GRAM Foi, Grampian Health Board

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Dear Ms Campbell


Please find attached an acknowledgement to your request.


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Information Governance Team

NHS Grampian

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GRAM Foi, Grampian Health Board

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Dear Ms Campbell


Please find attached response to your request.






Chris Morrice

Senior Information Governance Officer

Information Governance

NHS Grampian


Cornhill Road


AB25 2ZG


Email: [email address]




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