Death figures relating to Richard Poole and Verity Taylor DWP fraud squad

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Dear Douglas Clive Robertson,
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DWP Central Freedom of Information Team

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Richard Taylor left an annotation ()

The DWP made the following statement in the correspondence:

"If the DWP becomes aware that a claimant has committed suicide an Independent Peer Review (IPR) will be conducted into this case.
We have reviewed all cases where an IPR was conducted since the start of welfare reform (2013) and found 96 cases that related to claimants who committed suicide. Of these 96 cases, we found that CFCD had been involved in 4 cases in the last 12 months of those claimant's lives. "
CFCD probably relates to the DWP's "Counter Fraud & Compliance Directorate"
Richard - volunteer

J Roberts left an annotation ()

You may be interested in this decision:

In FTT decision EA/2020/0027V, which concerned the suicide of benefit recipients, the Judge stated that the Commissioner was correct to criticise the DWP because the appellant would not have received information he did had he not complained to her:

'25. It is clear in this case that the DWP did not approach this request in the way that it should have done. If the Appellant had not pursued this matter to the Commissioner then none of the information later disclosed would have been provided at all. The Commissioner was right to criticise DWP for its approach in this case. If public authorities do not carry out proper searches when FOIA requests are made, there will be an unnecessary use of resources when the Commissioner and the Tribunal need to become involved to resolve the issues that arise.'
