PO Box 165
L69 3JD
Lottie B
FOI 2404
Thank you for your Freedom of Information (FOI) request received on 27 December 2023.
Your request has been handled under the FOI Act 2000.
FOI reference
Your request for information was as follows:
Please would you confirm, for the accounting year 2018/19:
how many DBS applications were referred to the "Sensitive Applications Team" on the
grounds of the applicant identifying as 'transgender’.
how many males born, female identifying, applicants were for Basic checks
how many of the male born, female identifying, applicants were for Enhanced checks.
how many of the female born, male identifying, applicants were for Basic checks.
how many of the female born, male identifying, applicants were for Enhanced checks
The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) helps employers make safer recruitment
decisions each year by processing and issuing DBS checks for England, Wales, the
Channel Islands, and the Isle of Man. DBS also maintains the adults' and children's Barred
Lists and makes considered safeguarding decisions as to whether an individual should be
included on one or both lists and barred from engaging in regulated activity.
Please see the attached supporting spreadsheet, containing the information you have
Please note: -
• The information provided is in response to this specific request and should not be
compared with any other information previously released.
• The same applicant may have submitted more than one application in the specified
period you have requested.
Information disclosed in response to this FOI request is releasable to the public. In
keeping with the spirit and effect of the FOI Act and the government’s Transparency
Agenda, this letter and the information disclosed to you may be placed on GOV.UK,
together with any related information that will provide a key to its wider context. No
information identifying you will be placed on the GOV.UK website.
Your right to request an internal review under the Freedom of Information Act
If you are dissatisfied our handling of your Freedom of Information request you may
request an internal review by e-mailing
xxxxxx@xxx.xxx.xx or by writing to Freedom of
Information Manager, Disclosure and Barring Service, PO Box 165, L69 3JD. You should
submit any request for review within two months of the date of this letter.
The Disclosure and Barring Service will aim to respond to your request for a review within
20 working days and in any case no longer than 40 working days.
If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have a right of appeal to
the Information Commissioner’s Office. Generally, the Information Commissioner cannot
make a decision unless you have exhausted our own internal complaints procedure. The
Information Commissioner can be contacted at: The Information Commissioner’s Office,
Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow Cheshire SK9 5A
F www.ico.org.uk. Yours sincerely