Date of the last feotal homicide prosecution in Scotland II

The request was refused by National Archives of Scotland.


I hear by make a request for information under the Freedom Of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 of our sovereign lady, HM Queen Elizabeth II.

A) Deliver unto us any held data that would outline or otherwise lead to a revalation of the date of the last formal prosecution (succesful or otherwise) of a mother for homicide upon her unborn child within the jurisdiction of Scotland.

Thank you.

Martin MacLean (Management)

Life Over Death Scotland.


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Composed and sent by a member of management team at
LifeOverDeathScotland not necessarily the original member of the voluntary activist group elected to request the original FOI request on this groups behalf.

This notification is not to be taken as typed up by a person(s) qualified or approved by The Law Society Of Scotland. This notification is not to be taken as a invalidation of this notification given or as a waver of any right given in law to anybody working for LifeOverDeath Scotland or indeed the voluntary group itself.


Jane Brown,

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Maclean
Please find attached my reply to your information request dated 28
Yours sincerely
Jane Brown
Senior Court Archivist
Court, Legal and Private Records Branch
National Records of Scotland
Thomas Thomson House
99 Bankhead Crossway North
EH11 4DX
Tel: 0131 2703312
Email: [email address]

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Dear National Archives of Scotland,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of National Archives of Scotland's handling of my FOI request 'Date of the last feotal homicide prosecution in Scotland II'.

I would request that the reply is reviewed and that in this review the answers to the following are supplied:

A) Can the service confirm if guarantee of certainly in retrieving information is legally obligatory upon the service or applicant to ascertain before the retrieval is attempted.

B) If it is, what test is employed to identify certainty is or is not present before the task is executed.

C) How much in monies is an applicant afforded to have spent on the satisfaction of the submitted request made under HM Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.

D) How much monies has been spent in answering and reviewing this request so far.

E) Can the applicant use the reminder of monies afforded to fund an attempt on searching for the desired information until such monies are spent.

Thank you.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Martin Maclean

National Archives of Scotland

1 Attachment

Further to your email dated 11 December 2011. A review has now been
undertaken and a response is attached.


Freedom of Information Unit

National Records of Scotland

Preserving the past; recording the present; informing the future

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