16 December 2019
Ms. Katie Evans
Response sent by email to: Katie Evans
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx Dear Ms Evans
I am writing further to your email of 21 November 2019 and your request for information
under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.
1. The job title of your Data Protection Officer
Data Protection Officer (DPO).
2. Please confirm if their role is full or part time and approximately how many hours
are dedicated solely to Data Protection activities
Ayrshire College’s nominated DPO is part time and is the equivalent of a 0.5 FTE.
All the DPO’s time is dedicated solely to data protection activities.
Ayrshire College’s DPO is part of a shared service, centrally coordinated by
HEFESTIS. HEFESTIS is a not-for-profit Shared Service organisation jointly
owned by member institutions across the Scottish University and Colleges sectors.
Through this arrangement the College can access DPO support at any time and
not just on the days when our nominated DPO is working at the College.
3. Please advise what other duties are included in their role alongside Data
The DPO is responsible for monitoring an organisation’s compliance with GPDR
legislation and to advise and inform on how the arrangements are performing and
could be improved.
4. Do you have any additional staff with responsibility for data Protection e.g. deputy
Data Protection Officer?
The College’s GDPR arrangements are being overseen centrally by our DPO.
The College has however established a GDPR Working Group to provide
additional support to directorates. The Group helps directorates embed the
requirements of GDPR within their own areas and ensures a consistent approach
is being applied across the College.
5. How many students attend your College per year?
In 2018-19 14,678 students attended the College.
16 December 2019
6. How many campuses does your College operate over?
Ayrshire College has three main campuses and three satellite campuses.
If you are unhappy with our response to your FOI request, the FOI Act gives you the
right to complain. If you wish to complain, the issues you raise will initially be
considered by staff not involved in the handling of your original request through an
internal review. You will receive a substantive response as soon as possible. We aim
to complete internal reviews within 20 working days of receipt.
In exceptional circumstances it may take longer than 20 working days to complete an
internal review; in such cases, we will notify you in writing. Complaints or requests for
internal review should be submitted no more than two months after we sent a
substantive reply to your original request.
Requests for internal reviews should be addressed to:
Allyson Sharp
Information and Customer Relations Officer
Ayrshire College
Kilmarnock Campus
18-21 Hill Street
: xxxxxxx.xxxxx@xxxxxxxx.xx.xx If you are dissatisfied with the College's response to your internal review, you will
have a further right of appeal to the Scottish Information Commissioner. You can
contact the Information Commissioner by writing to:
Office of the Scottish Information Commissioner
Kinburn Castle
Doubledykes Road
St Andrews
KY16 9DS
01334 464613
01334 464611
: xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx
You can now make Freedom of Information (FOI) appeals online, using the new
online appeal service – click at the link below:
www.itspublicknowledge.info/Appeal Yours sincerely
Michael Breen
Vice Principal Finance