We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Maddy Snow please sign in and let everyone know.

Data Protection Compliance

Maddy Snow made this Freedom of Information request to Senior Salaries Review Body Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

We're waiting for Maddy Snow to read a recent response and update the status.

Dear Senior Salaries Review Body,

1. Does your organisation use any applications or software to record Record of Processing Activity (ROPA)?

If so, please state the product name(s) and version numbers(s) (if known)

2. Does your organisation use any applications or software to support preparation for, or maintenance of ISO 27001 and/or ISO 27701 compliance?

If so, please state the product name(s) and version numbers(s) (if known)

3. Does your organisation use any applications or software associated with data breach management?

4. Does your organisation use any applications or software associated with Freedom of Information management?

If so, please state the product name(s) and version numbers(s) (if known)

5. Does your organisation use any applications or software for Policy Management?

If so, please state the product name(s) and version numbers(s) (if known)

6. Does your organisation use any eLearning for Data Protection and Security Awareness?

If so, please state the product name(s) and version numbers(s) (if known)

7. Has your organisation reviewed / explored the market regarding the provision of technology which supports the delivery of Information Governance functions?

If yes - please specify what actions have been taken?

If no - does your organisation have any plans to review / explore this market in the next 3 years?

8. Has your organisation allocated budget / financial resources regarding the commissioning / procurement of technology which supports the delivery of Information Governance functions?

If yes - please specify what actions have been taken?

If no - does your organisation have any plans to allocate budget / financial resources in the next 3 years?

9. Has your organisation developed a business case (outline or otherwise) regarding the commissioning / procurement of technology which supports the delivery of Information Governance functions?

If yes - please specify what actions have been taken?

If no - does your organisation have any plans to develop a business case in the next 3 years?

10. Will there be any opportunities to engage with your organisation regarding the commissioning / procurement of technology which supports the delivery of Information Governance function in the next three years?

Yours faithfully,

Maddy Snow


2 Attachments

Dear Maddy Snow,

Thank you for your FOI request of 12 October to our Senior Salaries Review Body (SSRB) and Review Body on Doctors' and Dentists' Remuneration (DDRB).

You wrote to our NCA Remuneration Review Body (NCARRB) in September, and we responded to you on 5th October which I am attaching to this email as the queries are the same. Our responses to your requests to DDRB and SSRB are the same as the responses to NCARRB.


Rashmi Panigrahi
Business Manager, OME
[mobile number]
[email address]
3rd floor, Windsor House, 50 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0TL www.gov.uk/ome | twitter 

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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Maddy Snow please sign in and let everyone know.