3rd Floor, Windsor House,
50 Victoria St
Direct Telephone Line: 020 7211 8200
05 October 2023
Reference: 20230830/CSU/OME/31
Dear Connor Dash,
Your request to the NHS Pay Review Body in the Office of Manpower
Economics (OME) under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
Thank you for your emailed request dated 14 September, under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000, requesting the following information:
‘1. Does your organisation use any applications or software to record Record of
Processing Activity (ROPA)?
If so, please state the product name(s) and version numbers(s) (if known)
2. Does your organisation use any applications or software to support preparation
for, or maintenance of ISO 27001 and/or ISO 27701 compliance?
If so, please state the product name(s) and version numbers(s) (if known)
3. Does your organisation use any applications or software associated with data
breach management?
4. Does your organisation use any applications or software associated with Freedom
of Information management?
If so, please state the product name(s) and version numbers(s) (if known)
5. Does your organisation use any applications or software for Policy Management?
If so, please state the product name(s) and version numbers(s) (if known)
6. Does your organisation use any eLearning for Data Protection and Security
If so, please state the product name(s) and version numbers(s) (if known)
7. Has your organisation reviewed / explored the market regarding the provision of
technology which supports the delivery of Information Governance functions?
If yes - please specify what actions have been taken?
If no - does your organisation have any plans to review / explore this market in the
next 3 years?
8. Has your organisation allocated budget / financial resources regarding the
commissioning / procurement of technology which supports the delivery of
Information Governance functions?
If yes - please specify what actions have been taken?
If no - does your organisation have any plans to allocate budget / financial resources
in the next 3 years?
9. Has your organisation developed a business case (outline or otherwise) regarding
the commissioning / procurement of technology which supports the delivery of
Information Governance functions?
If yes - please specify what actions have been taken?
If no - does your organisation have any plans to develop a business case in the next
3 years?
10. Will there be any opportunities to engage with your organisation regarding the
commissioning / procurement of technology which supports the delivery of
Information Governance function in the next three years?’
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 ('the Act'), you have the right to:
• know whether we hold the information you require;
• be provided with that information (subject to any exemptions under the Act which
may apply).
The Office of Manpower Economics (OME) provides an independent secretariat to
eight Pay Review Bodies including the NHS Pay Review Body. We are responsible
for answering administrative queries received by all the Pay Review Bodies. OME
does not hold any information on your questions 1,2,3,4,5,7,8 and 9.
The NHS Pay Review Body is an ALB to the Department for Health and Social Care
(DHSC). DHSC may be able to help you with some of your query so I would suggest
that you contact DHSC directly. Please find the answers to your questions 6 and 10
6. Does your organisation use any eLearning for Data Protection and Security
Awareness?- Yes
If so, please state the product name(s) and version numbers(s) (if known)- Security
and Data Protection
10. Will there be any opportunities to engage with your organisation regarding the
commissioning / procurement of technology which supports the delivery of
Information Governance function in the next three years?- No. OME comes under
the Department for Business and Trade (DBT). All matters relating to Information
Governance are managed by DBT.
Appeals Procedure
If you are unhappy with the way the Office of Manpower Economics
has handled
your request, you may ask for an internal review. You should contact me at the
Office of Manpower Economics
if you wish to complain. If you are not content with
the outcome of the internal review, you have the right to apply directly to the
Information Commissioner for a decision. The Information Commissioner can be
contacted at:
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Yours sincerely,
Rashmi Panigrahi
FOI Officer
Office of Manpower Economics