Data Protection Act Immunity for Lord Chief Justice Thomas
Dear Ministry of Justice,
Has Ms Truss, the Lord Chancellor, granted LCJ Baron Thomas immunity for violating the Data Protection Act when he refused to admit that Judge Ian Burnett never had a transcript of hearing when Burnett dismissed allegations of judicial misconduct against Judge Simon Brown QC in B40BM021. In that lawsuit Judge Simon Brown QC, Judge Charles Haddon-Cave and Judge Ian Burnett judged allegations of silver price rigging against Deutsche Bank as 'totally without merit' and deserving of a restraining order against me. Subsequently Deutsche Bank settled $98 million for the same allegations of silver rigging and disclosed materials that incriminated HSBC - the applicant of the restraining order.
Yours faithfully,
Mark Anthony Taylor
Dear Ministry of Justice,
Either Truss acted and granted him an immunity, or she made no such act. It is a simple question and it demands an answer.
Yours faithfully,
Mark Taylor
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