Data on Tees Valley CA/LEP Skills Projects (both capital and ESF funded)

The request was successful.

Dear Tees Valley Combined Authority,

Please can you share the following data about the skills projects your organisation has funded, starting from the first Growth Deal up until December 2019 (inclusive)?

Skills Capital Projects

A) Name of each project + brief description

B) Name of each education/training institution that received the investment

C) Please specify for each project whether it was aimed at the ‘construction of new training facilities’, ‘refurbishment of training facilities’, ‘relocation of training facilities’, and/or ‘investment in equipment’ (or any other relevant categories)

D) LEP skills capital investment for each project (£)

E) Other partners’ capital investment for each project (£) (match funding) - please divide data between public partners (i.e. councils), private partners (i.e. specific firms) and education partners (i.e. colleges)

F) Month and year when the first capital investment sum was transferred from the LEP to the training institution that won the skills capital bid, marking the start of the investment (potentially also the start of the project)

G) Completion date (month and year)

H) Training targets assigned to project, once construction is completed or equipment bought, per year or across a number of years (please specify the exact time this data refers to).
H1) Please highlight which of these projects were designed to contribute towards (a) advanced manufacturing level 3 skills, (b) advanced manufacturing level 4 skills, (c) advanced manufacturing level 5 skills, and/or (d) advanced manufacturing level 6+ skills. Please tick all that apply.
H2) (total, across industries or levels) Predicted number of NEW apprenticeships each of these skills projects were designed to help the training institution facilitate, per year or across a number of years (please specify the exact time this data refers to).
H3) Of the predicted total number of NEW apprenticeships (point H2), how many were to be in advanced manufacturing?
H4) Of the advanced manufacturing predicted NEW apprenticeships, how many were to be at (a) level 3, (b) level 4, (c) level 5 and/or (d) level 6+?

I) Please specify whether the contract of skills capital investment between the LEP and the training institution included the expectation for the training institution to report on targets to the LEP AFTER the completion of capital project (i.e. after the building was built, renovated, or equipment bought) (yes/no)
I1) If yes to point (I), please specify how often these institutions are contractually expected to inform the LEP on target development/achievement, AFTER the capital project is complete (i.e. every 6 months, every 12 months etc.).
I2) If yes to point (I), please specify the contractually agreed sanction for not meeting training targets AFTER the skills capital project has been completed (i.e. the building has been built, refurbished, or equipment bought).

European Social Fund Skills Projects

A) Name of each project + brief description

B) Name of each education/training institution that received the investment

C) ESF investment in each project (£)

D) Month and year when first ESF investment sum was transferred from the LEP to the training institution that won the ESF bid, marking the start of the investment (potentially also the start of the project)

E) Completion date (month and year)

F) Project targets, per year or across a number of years (please specify the exact time this data refers to).
F1) Please highlight which project (if any specifically) was linked to increasing numbers of apprenticeships at level 3-4-5 in advanced manufacturing.

G) Please specify how often the education institution is contractually obligated to submit reports on project targets to the LEP.

H) Please specify the contractually agreed sanction for not meeting project targets.

Yours faithfully,

Reece Thompson

SMinfotvu, Tees Valley Combined Authority

2 Attachments

Dear Reece Thompson,


Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Ref: 46/2020


Thank you for your correspondence received on 22^nd September, 2020.

In response to your request I can now provide the following information. 


You requested data about the skills projects TVCA has funded, starting
from the first Growth Deal up until December 2019 (inclusive)?

This information is attached.


You asked about European Social Fund Skills Projects.


The LEP has not transferred or funded any ESF Skills project directly as
the LEP is not a managing agent for this funding; nor has it had any ESF
funding awarded to it to date.  Therefore the specific questions are not
relevant to the Tees Valley LEP and  can not be answered.


If you have any queries or concerns please contact me in the first


However, if you are unhappy with the way your request for information has
been handled, you can submit a complaint by writing to:


Group Chief Executive, Tees Valley Combined Authority, Cavendish House,
Teesdale Business Park, Stockton on Tees, TS17 6QY. 


If, after your complaint has been determined, you remain dissatisfied with
the handling of your request or complaint, you have a right to appeal to
the Information Commissioner at:


The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), Wycliffe House, Water Lane,
Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.  Telephone: 0303 123 1113:  Website:

The ICO does not make a charge for an appeal.


Yours sincerely,


Sally Henry | Governance Officer


Tees Valley Combined Authority



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