Data on Social Housing stock and Right-to-Buy sales in the Council area for the period 1980-2021

The request was successful.

Dear Northumberland County Council,

My name is Nine Spahr and I am a third year PPE student at the University of Warwick. 
As part of a university research scheme in economics, I am studying the evolution of Council's social housing stock. The project is supervised by Thiemo Fetzer, Professor of Economics at the University of Warwick.

I came across the available data on aggregate social housing stock and Right-to-Buy sales at local authority level. However, more detailed information would be of great assistance in answering my research question. Therefore, I hereby submit a Freedom of Information request. I would like access to more detailed data, i.e. at a finer geographical level, on social housing stock and Right-to-Buy sales in the Council area for the period 1980-2021.

Ideally, the data would follow the following format: 

Variable of interests: Properties sold under Right-to-Buy and Social/Council housing stock 
Geographical unit: As granular as possible (eg. full postcode or full address) 

Time unit: As granular as possible (eg. Date)

Period covered: As large as possible between 1980 and present time.

Area covered: As large as possible (eg. all properties managed by the Council at any point in time) 

Additional information: discount applied, property valuation, actual sale price, number of bedrooms, or other characteristics. 
File format: .xlsx (Excel) or .txt.  
For indicative purposes, the following data format is expected:

Thank you for your time in considering my request.

Yours faithfully, 

Nine Spahr, PPE student at the University of Warwick

Northumberland County Council

1 Attachment

Our Ref: 11989  

Dear Sir / Madam,


Thank you for your request for information which will be dealt with under
the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

In some circumstances a fee may be payable and if that is the case, we
will let you know the likely charges before proceeding.

If you have any queries about this matter please contact us. Please
remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications.
Kind regards,
Information Governance Office
Northumberland County Council
County Hall
NE61 2EF

Tel: 0345 600 6400
Email: [Northumberland County Council request email]

Northumberland County Council

2 Attachments

Our Ref: 11989   

Dear Nine Spahr, 


I refer to your Freedom of Information request in relation to social
housing stock and Right-to-Buy sales in the Council area for the period

Right of Access

Section 1(1) of the Act provides any person making a request for
information to a public authority is entitled.

(a) to be informed in writing by the public authority whether it holds
information of the description specified in the request (which Section
1(6) of the Act designates as the "duty to confirm or deny"), and

(b) if that is the case, to have that information communicated to him.

The right is to obtain access to the information itself and not to the
document or record which contains it.

The Act creates a general right of access to information held by public
authorities subject to various exemptions.

Northumberland County Council confirms that it holds the information you
have requested, please see the attached and the following information in
I am a third year PPE student at the University of Warwick. 
As part of a
university research scheme in economics, I am studying the evolution of
Council's social housing stock.
I came across the available data on aggregate social housing stock and
Right-to-Buy sales at local authority level. However, more detailed
information would be of great assistance in answering my research
question. Therefore, I hereby submit a Freedom of Information request. I
would like access to more detailed data, i.e. at a finer geographical
level, on social housing stock and Right-to-Buy sales in the Council area
for the period 1980-2021.

Ideally, the data would follow the following format: 

Variable of interests: Properties sold under Right-to-Buy and
Social/Council housing stock 
Geographical unit: As granular as possible
(eg. full postcode or full address) 

Time unit: As granular as possible (eg. Date)

Period covered: As large as possible between 1980 and present time.

Area covered: As large as possible (eg. all properties managed by the
Council at any point in time) 

Additional information: discount applied, property valuation, actual sale
price, number of bedrooms, or other characteristics. 
File format: .xlsx
(Excel) or .txt.
For indicative purposes, the following data format is expected:
The total number of properties that have been transferred to private
ownership under the Right to Buy Scheme.
The time scale of your search is 01/04/1982 to 31/12/2022
In terms of the detail requested whilst we do have figures going back to
the start of the RTB but we only have electronic data from October 2009
holding more detail. 
The attached spreadsheet has the following information;

• Postcode 
• Valuation
• Discount 
• Offer Price
• Completion Date

We do not hold any of the other information requested.


If you are unhappy with the way your request for information has been
handled, you can request an internal review by writing within 2 months
from the date of this response to the Information Governance Office:

Information Governance Office, Northumberland County Council, County Hall,
Morpeth, NE61 2EF
Email: [Northumberland County Council request email]

Information Commissioner

If you remain dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have a
right by Section 50 of the Act to apply to the Information Commissioner
for a decision as to whether your request has been dealt with in
accordance with the requirements of the Act at:

The Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane,
Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF
Tel: 0303 123 1113, Email: [email address]

There is no charge for making an appeal.

Yours faithfully,

FOI Coordinator - Housing
Information Governance Office

Northumberland County Council
County Hall
NE61 2EF

Tel: 0345 600 6400
Email: [Northumberland County Council request email]


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