We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Immanuel Feld please sign in and let everyone know.

Data on public libraries by council

Immanuel Feld made this Freedom of Information request to Castle Point Borough Council as part of a batch sent to 315 authorities Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

We're waiting for Immanuel Feld to read recent responses and update the status.

Dear Madam/Sir,

My name is Immanuel Feld and I am a researcher at the University of Warwick. My research focusses on local governments and the provision of public goods. I am thus interested in collecting information on the public libraries run by local councils.

Specifically, under the FOI legislation, I request a list of all public libraries run by your council between 2005 and 2022. Additionally, could you please provide information on dates of opening and closure (with at least year-month precision) if they started or ceased operation over that period. Lastly, could you please provide information on opening and closing hours of the library in that given year?

That means the final dataset would have the following columns:
Name of the library, address, date of opening, date of closing, opening hours in year 2005, opening hours in year 2006, … , opening hours in year 2022.
If collecting daily opening hours is not possible, annual opening hours are sufficient, too.

I am happy with whatever format of the data is the most suitable to you and I don’t have any issue in combining multiple files.

Yours faithfully,

Immanuel Feld

auto-reply, Castle Point Borough Council

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If you have access to the Internet you may wish to see if your enquiry can
be dealt with online at www.castlepoint.gov.uk. The Council's website
enables many forms to be completed and payments to be made online as well
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Switchboard, Castle Point Borough Council

Good Afternoon,

Many thanks for your enquiry.

We are unable to provide the requested information as this does not come under the responsibility of Castle Point Borough Council. This comes under the responsibility of Essex County Council.

If you still require the information I would suggest you direct your request to them, I have added a link below which gives more information about how to do this as well as a postal address if you prefer.

Website Link: https://www.essex.gov.uk/running-council...

Postal Address:

Your Right to Know
Information Services
Essex County Council
Market Road
County Hall

The Council considers that the above response fully complies with the requirements placed on the Council under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000 but a person making a request for information under the FOIA 2000 may complain to the Review Officer if they are dissatisfied with the Council’s response. Details regarding the complaints procedure may be obtained from the Monitoring Officer at the Council Offices in Benfleet.

Kind Regards,

Andrea Staines
Customer & Digital Services
Castle Point Borough Council | telephone: 01268 882200 | email: [email address] | website: www.castlepoint.gov.uk

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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Immanuel Feld please sign in and let everyone know.