We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Immanuel Feld please sign in and let everyone know.

Data on public libraries by council

Immanuel Feld made this Freedom of Information request to North Northamptonshire Council as part of a batch sent to 315 authorities Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

We're waiting for Immanuel Feld to read recent responses and update the status.

Dear Madam/Sir,

My name is Immanuel Feld and I am a researcher at the University of Warwick. My research focusses on local governments and the provision of public goods. I am thus interested in collecting information on the public libraries run by local councils.

Specifically, under the FOI legislation, I request a list of all public libraries run by your council between 2005 and 2022. Additionally, could you please provide information on dates of opening and closure (with at least year-month precision) if they started or ceased operation over that period. Lastly, could you please provide information on opening and closing hours of the library in that given year?

That means the final dataset would have the following columns:
Name of the library, address, date of opening, date of closing, opening hours in year 2005, opening hours in year 2006, … , opening hours in year 2022.
If collecting daily opening hours is not possible, annual opening hours are sufficient, too.

I am happy with whatever format of the data is the most suitable to you and I don’t have any issue in combining multiple files.

Yours faithfully,

Immanuel Feld

North Northamptonshire Council

Dear Mr Feld

Request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000

Case Reference 202400561

Thank you for your correspondence received by North Northamptonshire
Council on 06/02/2024 requesting information regarding Public Libraries
under the above Act. Your request for information is currently being
considered and should the Council require any further clarification
regarding your request, we will contact you to discuss this with you.


Assuming we do not require any further details from you, a full response
to your enquiry will be provided within 20 working days. In the meantime,
please accept this letter by way of an acknowledgement of your request for


Our Privacy Notice can be found at [1]Information governance privacy
notice | North Northamptonshire Council (northnorthants.gov.uk)


Kind Regards

Lucy DaSantos


Information Governance Team

North Northamptonshire Council

Telephone: 0300 126 300


Visible links
1. https://www.northnorthants.gov.uk/servic...

North Northamptonshire Council

Dear Mr Feld


Thank you for your request for information, received by the authority on
06 February 2024. I can confirm that North Northamptonshire Council holds
the information in part.


Please see below the service response. Please be advised that North
Northamptonshire Council did not come into operation until 01 April 2021;
and no libraries have opened or closed during this period – no libraries
have opened or closed between April 2021 and present day.

The data below includes opening hours per week as at end of financial year
(March), or year to date for Year 2023/24.


Number Number Number
of of of
weekly weekly weekly
        open open open
hours hours hours

North Yr
Northamptonshire 2023/24:
Council Address as at Town Postcode Yr Yr as at
Libraries Feb 2024 2021/22 2022/23 end of
Feb 24
Burton Latimer
Library High Street Burton Latimer NN15 5RH 24.50 33.50 31.50

Corby Library The Corby
Cube, Corby NN17 1QG 53.00 53.00 53.00
Danesholme 14
Community Neighbourhood Corby NN18 9EJ 10.00 18.00 13.00
Library Centre
Community High Street Desborough NN14 2QS 30.00 30.00 30.00
Earls Barton
Community Broad Street Earls Barton NN6 0ND 18.00 18.00 18.00
Community Town Hall,
Library Berry Green Finedon NN9 5JL 8.00 12.00 12.00
Library High Street Irchester NN29 7AA 0.00 10.00 12.00

Irthlingborough High Street Irthlingborough NN9 5PU 44.00 44.00 44.00
Kettering Sheep Street Kettering NN16 40.00 53.00 53.00
Library 0AY  
Oundle Library Glapthorn Oundle PE8 4JA 44.00 44.00 44.00
Raunds Community High Street Wellingborough NN96HT 13.00 14.00 14.00
Library Raunds
Community Market Hill Rothwell NN14 6EP 20.00 21.00 21.00
Rushden Library Newton Road Rushden NN10 0PT 53.00 53.00 53.00
Community High Street Thrapston NN14 4JJ 12.00 15.00 15.00
Wellingborough Pebble Lane Wellingborough NN8 1AS 53.00 53.00 53.00
Community Newton Road Wollaston NN29 7QN 10.50 10.50 11.00



I trust the above is helpful, however if you are dissatisfied with the way
we have handled your enquiry or you are unhappy with the response
provided, you have the right to request an internal review. 


Please note a request for an internal review should be submitted no later
than 40 working days from the date of receipt of this response.  The
Council is not obliged to accept a request for an internal review beyond
this timeframe.  A full response to your request for a review will be
provided within 20 working days. 


If you remain dissatisfied with the Council’s internal review, you have
the right to appeal to the Information Commissioner (ICO).  It is
recommended that you contact them no later 3 months from the date of our
final response, using the contact details below: 


Information Commissioner’s Office 

Wycliffe House 

Water Lane 



SK9 5AF 


Telephone:  0303 123 1113 




Yours sincerely 


Lucy DaSantos

Information Requests Specialist

Information Governance Team

North Northamptonshire Council

Telephone: 0300 126 300


Visible links
1. https://ico.org.uk/make-a-complaint/

Dear North Northamptonshire Council,

thank you very much for your reply and the information provided. Does the data for the period before North Northamptonshire Council was created exist? If yes who would I need to contact about this?

Yours faithfully,

Immanuel Feld

North Northamptonshire Council

Dear Mr Feld


Thank you for your email. I’m afraid the data for the period prior to
North Northamptonshire Council’s formation no longer exists, no. This
would have been held by the respective legacy authorities that are each no
longer in operation, so historic information has not been retained.


Kind regards


Lucy DaSantos

Information Requests Specialist

From: "Immanuel Feld" <[FOI #1081576 email]>
Sent: 07 March 2024 11:05
To: "FOI requests at North Northants Council"
<[North Northants Council request email]>
Subject: Re: FOI Request Response - Case ID - 202400561 [REF/JA/qa/Pq/XV/]

[CAUTION: EXTERNAL EMAIL] This email originated from outside of the
organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise
the sender and know the content is safe.

Dear North Northamptonshire Council,

thank you very much for your reply and the information provided. Does the
data for the period before North Northamptonshire Council was created
exist? If yes who would I need to contact about this?

Yours faithfully,

Immanuel Feld

show quoted sections

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Immanuel Feld please sign in and let everyone know.