Data Centres

The request was successful.

Dear Lothian and Borders Fire Brigade,

Under the Freedom of Information Act I would gratefully request the provision of the following information:

How many Data and/or Disaster Recovery Centres does your
organisation currently use, if this facility is not centralised but is distributed throughout your network please provide the total number of facilities in use for this purpose.
If supplied through a contract, who is the operator of the
If supplied through a contract, what is the start and end dates of the contract, please include any contract extensions available within the contract.
General location of data centre (the town/city, not specific
Total available space.
Total space used.
Power consumption per data centre.
Do you have any plans related to your Data and/or Disaster Recovery
Centres such as increasing the number or outsourcing the services.

Number of desktops in the organisation.
Number of users of ICT within the organisation.
Number of sites connected to your Wide Area Network.
What e-mail system do you currently utilise.
What server OS do you currently utilise (Windows, UNIX, LINUX) and
in what numbers (i.e number of UNIX servers in use etc).

Yours faithfully,

Joseph King

Nicole Carter, Lothian and Borders Fire Brigade

Dear Mr King


Please find attached response to your recent request for information,
appended below. If you have any further queries please contact us,




Nicole Carter

Corporate Communications Manager




     How many Data and/or Disaster Recovery Centres does your

     organisation currently use, if this facility is not centralised but

     is distributed throughout your network please provide the total

     number of facilities in use for this purpose.


LBFRS has one site assigned for Service Continuity purposes.


     If supplied through a contract, who is the operator of the



Not applicable, the facility is within the service.


     If supplied through a contract, what is the start and end dates of

     the contract, please include any contract extensions available

     within the contract.


Not applicable.


     General location of data centre (the town/city, not specific



Edinburgh area.


     Total available space.




     Total space used.




     Power consumption per data centre.


Unknown, as the facility is part of a greater site.


     Do you have any plans related to your Data and/or Disaster Recovery

     Centres such as increasing the number or outsourcing the services.


No plans ahead of Scottish Fire Service Reform

     Number of desktops in the organisation.


460, including laptops.


     Number of users of ICT within the organisation.


1350 users.


     Number of sites connected to your Wide Area Network.




     What e-mail system do you currently utilise.




     What server OS do you currently utilise (Windows, UNIX, LINUX) and

     in what numbers (i.e number of UNIX servers in use etc).


Windows, approx. 30 including virtual.




In the event that you are dissatisfied with this response, or the way in
which your request has been dealt with, you have the right to demand the
Service review its actions and decisions in relation to this matter.  This
must be done within 40 working days from the date of this notice and the
request for review must be in writing or in some other retainable form and
you must give your name and an address for correspondence.  To assist in
your request being dealt with efficiently and effectively, please address
it to the Chief Fire Officer, Lothian and Borders Fire and Rescue Service,
Lauriston Place, Edinburgh EH3 9DE quoting the reference stated below and
state clearly what it is that gives rise to your dissatisfaction.


Please note that in the event the Service fails to respond to your
requirement for a review within 20 working days of receiving it, then you
have the right to apply to the Scottish Information Commissioner for a
decision on whether your request for information has been dealt with
correctly by the Service.  This action should be taken within 6 months of
the date you receive this letter and your application should be sent to
the Scottish Information Commissioner, Kinburn Castle, Doubledykes Road,
St Andrews, Fife KY16 9DS.



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