We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Eveline Williams please sign in and let everyone know.

Data Breaches Data

Eveline Williams made this Freedom of Information request to Burnley Borough Council Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

We're waiting for Eveline Williams to read recent responses and update the status.

Eveline Williams

Dear Burnley Borough Council,
Please break the below questions down to fit your organisations structure as much as you are able based on available data and to fit within the time and cost limits of the act (for example, Q1 2023 ) Childrens, education, SEND 1 Data Breach Wrong email sent, 1 Data Breach confidential documents left in public location)
1) How many data breaches were recorded at your local authority in quarter 1 2023?
2) How many data breaches were recorded at your local authority in quarter 2 2023?
3) How many data breaches were recorded at your local authority in quarter 3 2023
4) How many data breaches were recorded at your local authority in quarter 4 2023?
5) How many data breaches were recorded at your local authority in quarter 1 2024?
6) How many data breaches did your local authority report to the Information Commissioners Office in quarter 1 2023?
7) How many data breaches did your local authority report to the Information Commissioners Office in quarter 2 2023?
8) How many data breaches did your local authority report to the Information Commissioners Office in quarter 3 2023?
9) How many data breaches did your local authority report to the Information Commissioners Office in quarter 4 2023?
10) How many data breaches did your local authority report to the Information Commissioners Office in quarter 1 2024?
11)How many staff are responsible for reviewing the data breach information and investigating it?

Yours faithfully,

Eveline Williams

FOI, Burnley Borough Council

This is an automated email- please do not reply

We have received your freedom of information request. You should expect a
response within 20 working days.

Kind regards,

Burnley Council

Town Hall

Ext -----
01282 425011

[1]burnley council's [2]white ribbon [3]carbon literacy
website accredited award

Burnley Council, Town Hall, Manchester Road, Burnley, Lancashire. BB11 9SA
Our terms and disclaimers apply to this email and any attachments.
[4]For full details, see our terms and disclaimer.


Visible links
1. https://www.burnley.gov.uk/
2. https://www.whiteribbon.org.uk/
3. https://carbonliteracy.com/
4. https://www.burnley.gov.uk/terms-and-dis...

FOI, Burnley Borough Council

Please find a response below.

You may, if dissatisfied with the treatment of your request, ask the council to conduct a review of its decision under the council's complaints procedure. The review will be carried out by someone who has not been involved in dealing with your request for information. Please e-mail or write if you would like a review.
If, following the review, you remain dissatisfied with the council's treatment of your request then you may take your complaint to the Information Commissioner at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.


Ian Evenett
Information Governance Officer (Finance and Property)

show quoted sections

Eveline Williams

Dear FOI,

The response to my request says "find a response below" but no information has been provided in regard to my request for information.
Please can the response to my request be provided.

Yours sincerely,

Eveline Williams

FOI, Burnley Borough Council

This is an automated email- please do not reply

We have received your freedom of information request. You should expect a
response within 20 working days.

Kind regards,

Burnley Council

Town Hall

Ext -----
01282 425011

[1]burnley council's [2]white ribbon [3]carbon literacy
website accredited award

Burnley Council, Town Hall, Manchester Road, Burnley, Lancashire. BB11 9SA
Our terms and disclaimers apply to this email and any attachments.
[4]For full details, see our terms and disclaimer.


Visible links
1. https://www.burnley.gov.uk/
2. https://www.whiteribbon.org.uk/
3. https://carbonliteracy.com/
4. https://www.burnley.gov.uk/terms-and-dis...

Ian Evenett, Burnley Borough Council

1 Attachment

Eveline Williams,
The information is below - it is visible on the webpage. 
A pdf is attached
You may, if dissatisfied with the treatment of your request, ask the
council to conduct a review of its decision under the council's complaints
procedure. The review will be carried out by someone who has not been
involved in dealing with your request for information. Please e-mail or
write if you would like a review.
If, following the review, you remain dissatisfied with the council's
treatment of your request then you may take your complaint to the
Information Commissioner at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire
SK9 5AF.
Ian Evenett


From: Eveline Williams <[FOI #1145083 email]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2024 02:51
To: FOI <[Burnley Borough Council request email]>
Subject: RE: Freedom of Information request - Data Breaches Data
[CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organisation.]

Dear FOI,

The response to my request says "find a response below" but no information
has been provided in regard to my request for information.
Please can the response to my request be provided.

Yours sincerely,

Eveline Williams

show quoted sections

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Eveline Williams please sign in and let everyone know.