Data about fiscal transfers to Scotland

Scottish Government did not have the information requested.

Dear Scottish Government,

Can you provide me with all data and analysis that the Scottish Government has done on the fiscal transfers to Scotland from the UK and rUK?

That’s is, specifically, the amounts of fiscal transfer that we received in 2017/18 from the UK and rUK?

Yours faithfully,

E Witney

Scottish Government

1 Attachment

FOISA Acknowledgment of request


Dear Edward Witney,


Thank you for your request dated 14 December 2018 under the Freedom of
Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA) for:


All data and analysis that the Scottish Government has done on the fiscal
transfers to Scotland from the UK and rUK.


That is, specifically, the amounts of fiscal transfer that we received in
2017/18 from the UK and rUK?


We received your request on 14 December 2018 and will respond in
accordance with FOISA by 17 January 2018.


If you have any queries, please contact me quoting case number


Yours sincerely,


Iain Pearce

Office of the Chief Economic Adviser 
St Andrews House


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Scottish Government

2 Attachments



Dear Edward Witney,


Please find attached a response to your Freedom of Information request.


Yours sincerely,


Iain Pearce

Office of the Chief Economic Adviser 
St Andrews House




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