Dangerous pavements

The request was successful.

Dear Essex County Council,

Please supply any photograph(s) taken by your inspector(s) of the following defective pavement case from 15th September 2017 to 15th September 2022:


Yours faithfully,

Richard Everett

Your Right To Know, Essex County Council

Thank you for your recent request for information.

Your request is covered by the Environmental Information Regulations, which requires us to respond within 20 working days.

We will determine and let you know whether we hold the information you have requested and consider whether we are able to release the information or if it is exempt from disclosure.

ECC does not usually charge for providing information to its requestors as the provision of electronic copies is negligible, however under certain circumstances we may have to do so if providing the information costs more than £25. We will let you know before we do any work that would incur a charge.

Please note that the response and data released to you as part of this request will be published on the Essex County Council website. The website address is https://secureapps.essex.gov.uk/Freedom_.... All requests will be anonymised and no personal information including contact details will be disclosed as part of this process.

Please contact me if you would like further advice or assistance about your request, or your right to access information held by Essex County Council.

Yours sincerely,

Naomi Hinder
Your Right To Know
Essex County Council
T: 033301 38989
E: [email address]
W: www.essex.gov.uk

show quoted sections

Your Right To Know, Essex County Council

1 Attachment

Dear Sir/Madam,


Thank you for your request for information. Please find our response to
your request on the accompanying document(s)


I trust that this information satisfies your request. However, should you
require anything further, please contact me and I will endeavour to assist
you further.


If you are not satisfied with your response, please contact me so I can
try to resolve the issue. Alternatively, if you wish to make a complaint,
you can find the details at


If, after following our complaints procedure, you are still not satisfied,
you are entitled to ask the Information Commissioner to review our
decision. You can contact the Information Commissioner at Wycliffe House,
Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF; Telephone 0303 123 1113.


Please note that the response and data released to you as part of this
request will be published on the Essex County Council website. The website
address is
All requests will be anonymised and no personal information including
contact details will be disclosed as part of this process.


If you would like to take a short customer satisfaction survey please use
the link below



Yours sincerely,


Naomi Hinder

Your Right To Know

Essex County Council

T: 033301 38989

E: [4][email address]  

W: [5]www.essex.gov.uk



Visible links
1. https://www.essex.gov.uk/Your-Council/Yo...
2. https://www.essex.gov.uk/Your-Council/Yo...
3. https://consultations.essex.gov.uk/infor...
4. mailto:[email address]
5. http://www.essex.gov.uk/