Dangerous Dogs Act (as amended)

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Panel should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Panel,

I write with reference to The Dangerous Dogs Act, 1991 (amended), under the Freedom of Information Act, and ask for your kind reply, as follows:

1) How many dogs were seized by your force in the in the most recent full year for which you hold records (please provide date range) under S1 of the Act?

2) How many of these dogs seized in the aforementioned period have been exempted?

3) How many of these dogs seized in the aforementioned period have been released as non type (found to have been non-banned breeds)?

4) How many of these dogs seized in the aforementioned period were then destroyed?

5) Of these dogs destroyed, how many were disclaimed by their owners during the aforementioned timeframe?

6) How many dogs were put on the Interim Exemption Scheme before going to court during the aforementioned time frame?

7) What are your kennel costs in relation to dogs seized under the Act for the aforementioned time period?

8) Were there any litters of puppies of seized dogs destroyed whilst the parent dog was kennelled in the aforementioned period?

Yours faithfully,
L. A. Jourdan
Volunteer Administrator
For and on Behalf of Frannie Santos-Mawdsley, Chair, Born Innocent