Thames Valley Police
Chief Constable Francis Habgood QPM
Oxford Road
Fraser Innes
Telephone: 101
Direct dial: 01865 542051
Our ref:
05 January 2018
Dear Mr Innes
I write in response to the above-referenced Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request
submitted on 07/12/2017. Thames Valley Police has now considered this request,
which for clarity, has been repeated below:
Could you please provide me with the
This request is being refused under
number of Islamaphobic hate crimes
Section 12(1) of the FOIA.
reported between 1st January 2015 and
30th November 2017 broken down by
Section 12 of the FOIA allows that
the day they were reported.
public authorities do not have to
comply with section 1(1) of the Act if
the cost of complying would exceed
the appropriate limit. In accordance
with the Freedom of Information Act,
this letter represents a Refusal Notice
for this request.
This information is not held in an
easily retrievable format. In order to
provide accurate data, we would be
required to manually review every
Hate Crime reported during the time
frame specified, to establish if it falls
within the scope of this request,
namely the indication of it being an
‘Islamophobic hate crime’. As there
have been hundreds of Hate Crimes
recorded, this will exceed the
appropriate 18 hour time and £450
cost limit.
Thames Valley Police
Chief Constable Francis Habgood QPM
Section 16:- Further advice &
From April 2016 a qualifier identifying
'Faith Religion - Muslim Victim' was
introduced, therefore, you may wish
to broaden your request to the
number of records with this qualifier
Complaint Rights
If you are dissatisfied with the handling procedures or the decision made by Thames
Valley Police, you can lodge a complaint with the force to have the decision reviewed
within two months of the date of this response. Complaints should be made in writing
to the FOI inbox
; If, after lodging a complaint with Thames Valley Police, you are still unhappy with the
outcome, you may make application to the Information Commissioner at the
Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire,
SK9 5AF.
If you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact this office.
Yours sincerely
Amy Foster
Public Access
Joint Information Management Unit