Daily Media Briefing
Dear Aberdeen City Council,
Please provide me with copies of your daily media briefing issued on, and since, 4th May 2012. This is the daily email sent out to councillors and staff by your Press Office summarising the business of the day. Please provide for every day, to date, since 4th May 2012, inclusive.
Yours faithfully,
Thomas Fallow
Dear Mr Fallow,
Information enquiry reference FOI-12-1162.
Thank you for your recent request for information, which we received on
22 October 2012.
The scheduled date for our response to your request for information is
on or before 19 November 2012.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any queries in the
Yours sincerely,
Steven Dongworth
Freedom of Information Compliance Officer
Access to Information Compliance Team
Legal and Democratic
Corporate Governance
Aberdeen City Council
Lower Ground North (Hub 2)
Marischal College
Broad Street
[Aberdeen City Council request email]
01224 523827/523430/522875/523602
Tel 08456 08 09 10
Dear Mr Fallow,
Please accept our sincerest apologies that ACC has failed to respond to your information request within the statutory 20 working days.
ACC is endeavouring to ensure you receive a response within the next 5 working days, but would like to take this opportunity to advise you that, as ACC have missed the statutory deadline for responding, you are entitled to request a review. More information about requesting a review is included in the Further Information section, below.
Yours sincerely,
Grant Webster
Freedom of Information Compliance Officer
If ACC has failed to respond to your information request within the statutory 20 working days you can submit a complaint or request a review of our response. You should do this 40 working days after receipt of this information. To complain or request a review, please write to:
Access to Information Compliance Team
Customer Service and Performance
Corporate Governance
Aberdeen City Council
Marischal College
Lower Ground North
Business Hub 2
AB10 1AQ
Email: [Aberdeen City Council request email]
Your request for review must include your name, an address, and your reason(s) for requesting a review. You should also include the reference number for your original request for information.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your request for review, you can apply directly to the Office of the Scottish Information Commissioner (OSIC) for a decision. Generally, OSIC cannot make a decision unless you have been through the Council’s review procedure. The Scottish Information Commissioner can be contacted at:
The Office of the Scottish Information Commissioner
Kinburn Castle
Doubledykes Road
St Andrews
KY16 9DS
Should you wish to appeal against the Scottish Information Commissioner's decision, there is an appeal to the Court of Session on a point of law only. Any such appeal must be made within 42 days after the date of the decision has been issued.
Access to Information Compliance Team
Customer Service and Performance
Corporate Governance
Aberdeen City Council
Lower Ground North (Hub 2)
Marischal College
Broad Street
[Aberdeen City Council request email]
01224 523827/523430/522875/523602
Tel 08456 08 09 10
Dear Mr Fallow,
Please accept our sincere apologies for the delay in responding to your information request of 22 October 2012, made under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA). Aberdeen City Council (ACC) has completed the necessary search for the information requested.
Please provide me with copies of your daily media briefing issued on, and since, 4th May 2012. This is the daily email sent out to councillors and staff by your Press Office summarising the business of the day. Please provide for every day, to date, since 4th May 2012, inclusive.
Please see the attached PDF which includes copies of the daily media briefings issued between 4 May 2012 and 22 October 2012. Please note that certain third party details, as well as the details of ACC employees below Head of Service level who have not given consent for release have been redacted (blacked out) from the attached document. Please refer to the attached exemption notice.
ACC is unable to provide you with information on certain third party details as well as the details of ACC employees below Head of Service level who have not given consent for release contained within the attached PDF as it is exempt from disclosure. In order to comply with its obligations under the terms of Section 16 of the FOISA ACC must issue official refusal notices in relation to any requests for which it is claiming an exemption under the FOISA. We therefore attach a refusal notice which specifically refuses your request under the terms of Section 38(1)(b) in conjunction with 38(2)(a)(i) - of the FOISA.
We hope this helps with your request.
Yours sincerely,
Grant Webster
Freedom of Information Compliance Officer
Requesting an Internal Review
ACC hopes that you are satisfied with the response to your information request. If you are not satisfied with the response to your request for information, or the way in which your request has been handled, you may request that ACC review our response. You should do this 40 working days after receipt of this information. To request a review, please write to or email us at:
Access to Information Compliance Team
Customer Service & Performance
Corporate Governance
Aberdeen City Council
Marischal College
Lower Ground North
Business Hub 2
AB10 1AQ
Email: [Aberdeen City Council request email]
Your request for review must include:
● your name and address (an email address is fine)
● the reference number for your original request for information
● your reason(s) for requesting a review
Appealing to the Scottish Information Commissioner for a decision
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your request for an internal review, you can apply directly to the Office of the Scottish Information Commissioner (OSIC) for a decision. Generally, OSIC cannot make a decision unless you have been through the ACC’s review procedure. To make an application to OSIC, please write or email OSIC at:
The Office of the Scottish Information Commissioner
Kinburn Castle
Doubledykes Road
St Andrews
KY16 9DS
An application to OSIC must be made in writing within six months of receipt of ACC’s Review Decision Notice. When applying to OSIC for a decision you should give your name and address for correspondence. Please note that OSIC will not be able to investigate if you have not used your real name to make your information request. You must also specify:
● which request for information your requirement for review relates to
● the reason that you asked ACC to carry out a review of your request
● the reason why you are not satisfied with ACC's review outcome decision
The Commissioner will contact ACC and invite its comments on your application. Thereafter (if no settlement has meantime been reached), the Commissioner must reach a decision within 4 months of receiving your application, or within such other period as is reasonable. You will receive written notice of the outcome of the Commissioner’s decision.
Should you wish to appeal against the Scottish Information Commissioner's decision, there is an appeal to the Court of Session on a point of law only. Any such appeal must be made within 42 days after the date of the decision has been issued.
Access to Information Compliance Team
Customer Service and Performance
Corporate Governance
Aberdeen City Council
Lower Ground North (Hub 2)
Marischal College
Broad Street
[Aberdeen City Council request email]
01224 523827/523430/522875/523602
Tel 08456 08 09 10
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