CYP in mental health crisis in A&E and on acute wards

The request was successful.

Dear West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust,

I am requesting data about the use of Acute and Hospital Trust services by children and young people experiencing psychological distress.

The questions are in order of priority. Please work your way from top to bottom, and simply answer as many questions as you can within the time deadline. If you are unable to answer all the questions within the time deadline, please simply provide the information you are able to gather.

For every month from 1 January 2019 to 30 June 2021, please answer the following questions:

1 In each month, how many children and young people (CYP) aged 18 and under did you refer to CAMH services after they arrived in your emergency department(s)? Please note, I am requesting data on presentations in YOUR A&E department(s), so this data should be held by your trust.

2 In each month, how many CYP were admitted to or treated by your acute hospital trust for the following:

2 a Treatment of an eating disorder, such as refeeding and medical stabilisation? If helpful, please search against the ICD Code F.50, which should cover all relevant eating disorder diagnoses.

2 b Treatment of self-inflicted injury? If helpful, please search against ICD Codes X70 - X84

2 c Treatment for intentional drug or other toxic substance overdosel? If helpful, please search against ICD Codes X60 - X69

3 In eachmonth, how many CYP were admitted to your acute trust for compulsory treatment with use of the Mental Health Act? Please note, I am requesting data on admissions to ACUTE wards, and thus this data ought to be held by your trust.

Please, please supply the data in an excel spreadsheet.

Yours faithfully,

Janet Eastham

FOI, West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust

Freedom of Information Request Acknowledgement

Thank you for your request which was received by us on 26th July 2021
Under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000 we are required to provide a response within 20 working days. You should expect to receive a response by 23rd August 2021
We will advise you if we do not hold the information requested or if an exemption applies. Your request has been given the reference number FOI 21-16526

Your request for information may be delayed due to urgent operational responses to dealing with Public Health priorities. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause, we do remain committed to responding to your request and will respond as soon as we are able.


FOI Team
Cedar House
West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust
Hardwick Lane|Bury St Edmunds|SUFFOLK|IP33 2QZ
Requests received after 3pm will be logged the following working day

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FOI, West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust

1 Attachment

Dear Janet Eatman

I am writing to confirm that the West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust has now completed its search for the information which you requested on 24th July 2021

Please find our response to your request attached.

The information supplied to you continues to be protected by the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. You are free to use it for your own purposes, including any non-commercial research and for the purposes of news reporting. Any other reuse, for example commercial publication, would require the permission of the copyright holder.

If you are unhappy with the service you have received in relation to your request and wish to make a complaint or request a review of our decision, you should write to:

Chief Executive
West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust
Hardwick Lane
Bury St Edmunds
Suffolk IP33 2QZ

If you are not content with the outcome of your complaint, you may request the Information Commissioner’s Office to carry out a review.

Kind regards
FOI Team
West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust
Hardwick Lane|Bury St Edmunds|SUFFOLK|IP33 2QZ

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