Cycling and cycling infrastructure expenditure
To Whom it May Concern,
1) Please provide information on how much has been spent on cycling infrastructure in the area you're responsible for, broken down each year for the last 5 available financial years.
Where cycling provision has been provided as part of wider improvement works, these should be listed as cost for the cycling-related improvements, not for the entire project.
2) Please also list the amount spent, sorted by Funding Type/Source (e.g. Capital, Section 106, Central Government funding initiatives), broken down each year for the last 5 available financial years.
3) Please detail how much has been spent, broken down by year, on dedicated segregated cycling infrastructure (only dedicated cycle paths featuring light, full or kerb segregation away from motor vehicles, NOT included on-road painted cycle lanes, shared usage paths or existing re-purposed shared usage infrastructure such as canal towpaths or greenways).
For the avoidance of doubt, segregation refers to the physical separation of cyclists from motorised traffic, and can be provided by the following:
Kerbed plinths AKA Armadillos
Soft margins or verges
Crash barriers (Trunk roads)
4) Please detail how many miles of segregated infrastructure has been built in the last 5 years (only dedicated cycle paths featuring light, full or kerb segregation away from motor vehicles, NOT included on-road painted cycle lanes, shared usage paths or existing re-purposed shared usage infrastructure such as canal towpaths or greenways).
For the avoidance of doubt, segregation refers to the physical separation of cyclists from motorised traffic, and can be provided by the following:
Kerbed plinths AKA Armadillos
Soft margins or verges
Crash barriers (Trunk roads)
Yours faithfully,
[Name Removed]
Thank you for your recent FOI / EIR request. Please find attached an acknowledgement for this request.
Dear [Name Removed]
Thank you for your request for information received on 17 February 2020.
We have considered your request and enclose the following information.
1) Please provide information on how much has been spent on cycling
infrastructure in the area you're responsible for, broken down each year
for the last 5 available financial years.
Financial Year Improvement Expenditure Funding source
2014/15 Cycle storage at a primary £3k WG SRIC grant
2015/16 Cycle storage at 5 primary £40k WG SRIC grant (36k)
School (£4k)
Cycle storage at 3 primary £21.5k WG SRIC (20k)
School (£1.5k)
2016/17 Upgrade a short section of Unknown Developer funded
footway to shared use to
improve accessibility to a
private commercial
Cycle storage at 4 primary £24k WG SRIC (22k)
School (£2.5k)
2017/18 Upgrade a short section of £25k WG 21^st Century
footway to shared use to schools grant
improve accessibility to a
new comprehensive school
2018/19 None Nil
2) Please also list the amount spent, sorted by Funding Type/Source (e.g.
Capital, Section 106, Central Government funding initiatives), broken down
each year for the last 5 available financial years.
See table at question 1.
3) Please detail how much has been spent, broken down by year, on
dedicated segregated cycling infrastructure.
Nil. No segregated cycling infrastructure/routes have been delivered in
the last 5 years.
4) Please detail how many miles of segregated infrastructure has been
built in the last 5 years.
Nil. No segregated cycling infrastructure/routes have been delivered in
the last 5 years.
We supply this information based on your original request. If this is not
what you wanted or if you feel we have not fully understood your request
please do not hesitate to contact me to clarify your exact requirements.
If you have any queries or concerns or are in any way dissatisfied with
the handling of your request please contact us.
Yours sincerely
Information Governance Officer
Freedom of Information Act 2000 / Environmental Information Regulations
You have the right to appeal against our decision.
If you wish to appeal please set If you are unhappy with that decision
out in writing your grounds of you have the right to appeal to:
appeal and send to:
Corporate Information Governance
Unit Information Commissionerâ s Office â
Caerphilly county borough council, Wales
Penallta House 2nd Floor, Churchill House
Tredomen Park Churchill Way
Hengoed. CF82 7PG Cardiff CF10 2HH
Appeals will be determined by an Tel: 0330 414 6421
appropriate senior officer.
Website: [1]
Email: [2][email address]
Re-use of information without permission may infringe the Copyright,
Designs and Patents Act 1988. Re-use can include, but is not limited to,
making multiple copies, publishing and issuing copies of the information
to a wider audience. If you would like to re-use copyright material owned
by Caerphilly County Borough Council, please contact us. Authorisation to
re-use copyright material not owned by this Authority should be sought
directly from the copyright owner.
Dear Gareth,
Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately, some of the formattings have been removed in your reply, making some figures unclear. If possible, please could the information be sent as an excel table/ attachment
Yours sincerely,
[Name Removed]
Dear [Name Removed]
Thank-you for your email received on 13th March.
Please find attached a pdf copy of our email response.
Yours sincerely
Gareth Griffiths
Swyddog Llywodraethu Gwybodaeth | Information Governance Officer
Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Caerffili | Caerphilly County Borough Council
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