Cycling and cycling infrastructure expenditure

The request was successful.

To Whom it May Concern,

1) Please provide information on how much has been spent on cycling infrastructure in the area you're responsible for, broken down each year for the last 5 available financial years.

Where cycling provision has been provided as part of wider improvement works, these should be listed as cost for the cycling-related improvements, not for the entire project.

2) Please also list the amount spent, sorted by Funding Type/Source (e.g. Capital, Section 106, Central Government funding initiatives), broken down each year for the last 5 available financial years.

3) Please detail how much has been spent, broken down by year, on dedicated segregated cycling infrastructure (only dedicated cycle paths featuring light, full or kerb segregation away from motor vehicles, NOT included on-road painted cycle lanes, shared usage paths or existing re-purposed shared usage infrastructure such as canal towpaths or greenways).

For the avoidance of doubt, segregation refers to the physical separation of cyclists from motorised traffic, and can be provided by the following:
Kerbed plinths AKA Armadillos
Soft margins or verges
Crash barriers (Trunk roads)

4) Please detail how many miles of segregated infrastructure has been built in the last 5 years (only dedicated cycle paths featuring light, full or kerb segregation away from motor vehicles, NOT included on-road painted cycle lanes, shared usage paths or existing re-purposed shared usage infrastructure such as canal towpaths or greenways).

For the avoidance of doubt, segregation refers to the physical separation of cyclists from motorised traffic, and can be provided by the following:
Kerbed plinths AKA Armadillos
Soft margins or verges
Crash barriers (Trunk roads)

Yours faithfully,

[Name Removed]

Information Compliance-Officer, Bracknell Forest Borough Council

Dear [Name Removed]

Thank you for your request for information, below, which was received on (17/02/2020) which the Council will deal with under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. The FOI Act obliges us to respond to requests promptly, and in any case no later than 20 working days (by 16/03/2020) unless it is necessary to consider the public interest, in which case a full response must be provided within such a time as is reasonable in the circumstances and I will write to you again if this occurs.

If you have any queries about this letter, please contact me. Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future correspondence.

Yours sincerely

Information Compliance Team
Legal Services
Bracknell Forest Council
Tel: 01344 352000
Email: [Bracknell Forest Borough Council request email]

Information Compliance-Officer
Legal Services
Service Delivery
Bracknell Forest Council

Tel: 01344 352000
Email: [email address]

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Information Compliance-Officer, Bracknell Forest Borough Council

From: [1][email address]>


Sent:  17^th March 2020


Subject: Freedom of Information response No: 1077


Dear [Name Removed]


I am writing to confirm that the council has completed the processing of
your request for information.  


Please find below a copy of your request, followed by the Council’s






 1. Please provide information on how much has been spent on cycling
infrastructure in the area you're responsible for, broken down each
year for the last 5 available financial years.

19/20 – 105k

18/19 – 168k

17/18 – 180k

16/17 – 50k

15/16 – 200k


Where cycling provision has been provided as part of wider improvement
works, these should be listed as cost for the cycling-related
improvements, not for the entire project.


2) Please also list the amount spent, sorted by Funding Type/Source (e.g.
Capital, Section 106, Central Government funding initiatives), broken down
each year for the last 5 available financial years.

                50% Section 106 – 50% Integrated Transport Grant


3) Please detail how much has been spent, broken down by year, on
dedicated segregated cycling infrastructure (only dedicated cycle paths
featuring light, full or kerb segregation away from motor vehicles, NOT
included on-road painted cycle lanes, shared usage paths or existing
re-purposed shared usage infrastructure such as canal towpaths or

                None it was all shared use


You may also find it helpful to refer to our web page
which contains other helpful information as well.


If you have any queries about this matter please contact me. Please
remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications.


Please note that your request may itself be the subject of a FOI request
and will be disclosed in that event.


Bracknell Forest council now considers that it has complied with your
request. However, you have a right to appeal if you are dissatisfied with
our response. Requests for an internal review must be made in writing, and
within 40 calendar days of this response being issued to you. When
requesting an internal review, please include your reference number, the
date of your original request and your contact details. Please also
include an explanation of why you are dissatisfied with our response.
Requests for an internal review should be sent to:
[3][Bracknell Forest Borough Council request email]



If you are not content with the outcome of your complaint, you may apply
directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. Generally, the
ICO cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the complaints
procedure provided by the Council. The Information Commission can be
contacted at: The Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water
Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.


Yours sincerely

Information Management Team



Information Compliance-Officer


Legal Services
Service Delivery
Bracknell Forest Council


Tel: 01344 352000
Email: [4][email address]
Web: [5]





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3. mailto:[Bracknell Forest Borough Council request email]
4. mailto:[email address]