Cycle Infrastructure

The request was successful.

Dear Southwark Borough Council,

I am writing to request the answers to the following questions, on
the subject of cycling within your borough, under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000.

1. What percentage of your borough's total road kilometres consists
of fully, hard segregated cycle routes?

2. How many total kilometres of fully, hard segregated cycle routes
does this equate to?

3. Since the 6th of May 2010, how much money in pounds sterling has
been spent from your borough's transport budget on creating further
fully, hard segregated cycle routes?

4. In relation to the above question, what percentage of your total
transport spend within your borough for the named period did this

5. For the period between the 1st of April 2014 and the 31st of
March 2015, how much total money in pounds sterling from your
borough's transport budget has been or will be allocated to
creating further fully, hard segregated cycle routes?

6. For the period mentioned in question 5, what percentage of your
borough's transport budget does this constitute?

7. What percentage of road kilometres under your sole control are
20mph roads?

8. Aside from the above mentioned, what other initiatives is your
borough undertaking to improve the safety of cyclists on roads
under your authority?

In this instance, hard segregation means where there is a kerb
separating the standard road surface from the cycleway. It does not
include shared footpath and cyclepath routes where this is no
separation between the footway and the cycleway. Please only
include cycleways that are solely under your council's control for
this figure.

Total road kilometres is the distance of standard roads that are
accessible to motorised vehicles, in addition to the distance of
hard-segregated cycleways as described in the above paragraph.
Please only include roads and cycleways that are solely under your
council's control in this calculation.

Please email your responses in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet within
20 working days of this request being submitted, that is to say by
the 28th of February 2014.

Yours faithfully,

Will Nickell

Wannop, Laura, Southwark Borough Council

Dear Will Nickell,

Re: Your request for information: 364421

Thank you for your request for information that was received on 31 January
2014 in which you requested the following:

I am writing to request the answers to the following questions, on the
subject of cycling within your borough, under the Freedom of Information
Act 2000.

1. What percentage of your borough's total road kilometres consists of
fully, hard segregated cycle routes?

The council has not recorded this information and therefore, it is not

2. How many total kilometres of fully, hard segregated cycle routes does
this equate to?

As stated above, the council does not hold this information

3. Since the 6th of May 2010, how much money in pounds sterling has been
spent from your borough's transport budget on creating further fully, hard
segregated cycle routes?

Please note the council’s budget for transport is not broken down to this
level of detail therefore, this information is not able to be provided. 
When the council undertakes improvements to the highway a more holistic
approach is employed and therefore individual interventions such as
integrated cycle routes are not financially itemised.

Information on the council’s expenditure is able to be found online via
the annual statement of accounts at:

Alternatively, further information may be found in the budget book for
environment and leisure at:

4. In relation to the above question, what percentage of your total
transport spend within your borough for the named period did this

As stated above, this information is not held

5. For the period between the 1st of April 2014 and the 31st of March
2015, how much total money in pounds sterling from your borough's
transport budget has been or will be allocated to creating further fully,
hard segregated cycle routes?

Please see the response to question 3.

6. For the period mentioned in question 5, what percentage of your
borough's transport budget does this constitute?

As stated previously, projects are not financially represented via
individual infrastructure measures.

7. What percentage of road kilometres under your sole control are 20mph

Please note this information is able to be found within the annual report
on the council’s transport plan.  This is able to be viewed online at:

8. Aside from the above mentioned, what other initiatives is your borough
undertaking to improve the safety of cyclists on roads under your

Significant improvements are being made into the cycling infrastructure in
the Borough

* First borough to implement Trixi Mirrors to improve safety for
cyclists at junctions.  8 junctions completed another 5 expected this
financial year.
* Piloting Cycle Hangers on the highway
* Programme of installing cycle parking (Sheffield stands) on the
highway - mapped on council website
* Programme of cycle parking on estates - accessible via council
website.  Currently there are 672 lockers on 46 estates (18%) with a
further 261 to be installed this financial year.
* 11 Cycle Contra Flows, one cut through, 5 cycle superhighway
complimentary measure and 3 Green Links. All being implemented during
12/13 and 13/14, this includes Greendale phase 1 and 2.
* Peckham Rye bike hub open for business, further hub planned at Queen’s
* ‘Lip’ schemes incorporating improvements for cyclists e.g. Grange
Road, Rotherhithe New Road

Working closely with TfL and the Mayor’s officer on improvements to the
strategic network

* London grid- 7 routes are identified by TfL and currently are being
looked at by Southwark with the view of submitting a feasibility
design and assessments, costing etc to TfL by 4 December 2013 for
approval. Detail design and stakeholder engagement is planned to
commence during 2014 before an implementation programme can be
* Quietways – Some 7 quite cycle routes have been identified through
discussion between TfL, Sustrans and Southwark. These routes will be
investigated over the next few months with the view of identifying
their suitability and priority between January – April 2014
* Feasibility study for expansion of cycle hire scheme commissioned
* Working with TfL to deliver new and improved Cycle Superhighways
* Awaiting Mayor’s design guidance for cycling infrastructure

Training and speed reduction are key for cyclist safety

* 20 mph Borough decision taken
* Offer free cyclist training to anyone that lives, works or is educated
in the borough (training around 959 children and 731 adults per
year).  Have a Council Plan target to increase this by 10% by March
* Run Safer Urban Driver courses for drivers of HGVs
* Have a programme of HGV/Cyclist awareness days – Exchanging Places
* All roads Bikeability assessed - accessible via the councils website
* Successful with £285k bid as part of the Cycling Schools Partnership
for junction improvements, Bike it Plus Officer and seed funding in
Dulwich area
* Run a programme of Dr Bikes
* Run 'Park to Park' mass cycle ride for children
* Run a cycle loan scheme for teachers
* Run cycling clubs in schools
* Currently running cycling campaign promoting cycling and cycle safety
* Promoting cycling and cycle safety through the school travel plan
* Run education/enforcement days with the police
* Looking at the possibility of running HGV events in Senior Schools
* Looking at running bike building/maintenance classes for children and
adults where participants get to keep their bikes.
* Working closely with our health colleagues on future cycling schemes

You are free to use the information provided for your own purposes,
including any   non-commercial research you are doing and for the purposes
of news reporting.   Any other re-use, for example commercial publication,
requires the permission of the copyright holder. 

You may apply for permission to re-use this information by submitting a
request to [4][Southwark Borough Council request email]; you can find details on these
arrangements at [5]
Detailed advice about the Reuse of Public Sector Information Regulations
(PSI) 2005 is available from the Office of Public Sector Information at:

If you are unhappy with the service you have received in relation to your
request and wish to make a complaint or request an review of our decision,
you should write to:

Corporate Freedom of Information Officer
Communities, Law & Governance Department
PO Box 65429
London SE1 5LX
Email: [7][Southwark Borough Council request email]

If you are not content with the outcome your appeal, you may apply
directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision.  Generally, the
Information Commissioner cannot make a decision unless you have first
exhausted our internal appeal procedure and you should contact him within
2 months of the outcome of your internal appeal.

Further information on the Environmental Information Regulations is
available through the Information Commissioner at the:

Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Telephone: 0303 123 1113
Internet: [8]

Kind regards,
Laura Wannop

Departmental coordinator
Chief executive's department
5th floor, hub 4
PO Box 64529, London SE1P 5LX
160 Tooley Street, London SE1 2QH


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If you have received this in error please notify us immediately. If you
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be unlawful. Where opinions are expressed in the email they are not
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Visible links
4. mailto:[Southwark Borough Council request email]
7. mailto:[email address]
9. file://