Requests similar to 'Customer Compliance Group staff numbers'

Dear Mr Matter Please find attached our response to your information request. Yours sincerely, HMRC Freedom of Information Team Freedom of Infor...
WMBC Tax Under Considation: Company structure
Internal review request sent to HM Revenue and Customs by Michael Wilkinson on .

Information not held

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews. I am writing to request an internal review of HM Revenue and Customs's...
Dear J C Matter, We are writing in response to your request for information, received 25 October. Yours sincerely, HMRC Freedom of Information T...
ISBC s9A Enquiry Project
Request sent to HM Revenue and Customs by Andrew Timothy on .


Please provide me with all the internal communications by and to Mr Andrew Fairburn of HMRC in relation to the ISBC s9a Enquiry Project. You should s...
Please provide me with all internal documents and correspondence relating to the Individuals & Small Business s9A Enquiry Project. The project involv...
I am writing to follow up on a recent Freedom of Information (FOI) request dated 24/2/24, your reference FOI2024/05474 regarding meetings on the Loan C...
current response dates in Wheres My Reply Tool
Response by HM Revenue and Customs to Ganesh Sittampalam on .

Partially successful

Dear Ganesh Sittampalam, We are writing in response to your request for information, received 16 December. Yours sincerely, HMRC Information Rig...
Staff Attendance Monitoring Tool: Apr - Jun 2024 Refresh
Request sent to HM Revenue and Customs by Lyndsay Monaghan on .

Awaiting classification

Thank you for providing the information following Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) request FOI2024/57202. This is a fresh FOIA request, for the...
Agency / Contingent labour
Response by HM Revenue and Customs to Michelle Corker on .

Awaiting classification

Our ref: FOI2024/98638 Dear Michelle Corker, I am writing to update you on the status of your FOI request and to apologise for our delay in issuin...
All phone lines
Response by HM Revenue and Customs to Keith Dave on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Keith Dave, We are writing in response to your request for information, received 13 May. Yours sincerely, HMRC Information Rights Unit Kei...
Stamp Duty - Higher Rates For Additional Properties
Response by HM Revenue and Customs to Sam Grilli on .

Awaiting classification

Our ref: FOI2024/00409 Dear Sam Grilli, Thank you for your request, which was received on 10 January. Please remember to quote the reference numb...
PIAs / DPIAs related to FATCA
Response by HM Revenue and Customs to Nicholas Lee on .

Awaiting classification

Our ref: FOI2024/09923 Dear Nicholas Lee, Thank you for your request, which was received on 2 February. Please remember to quote the reference nu...
PIAs / DPIAs related to CRS
Response by HM Revenue and Customs to Nicholas Lee on .

Awaiting classification

Our ref: FOI2024/09931 Dear Nicholas Lee, Thank you for your request, which was received on 2 February. Please remember to quote the reference nu...
Our ref: FOI2024/11977 Dear Stuart Ferguson, Thank you for your request, which was received on 6 February. Please remember to quote the reference...
Capital Gains Tax paid into SA accounts
Response by HM Revenue and Customs to Jeffrey Wickham on .

Awaiting classification

Our ref: FOI2024/17969 Dear Jeffrey Wickham, Thank you for your request, which was received on 20 February. Please remember to quote the referenc...
Accessibility spend
Response by HM Revenue and Customs to Andy Smith on .

Awaiting classification

Our ref: FOI2024/21953 Dear Andy Smith, Thank you for your request, which was received on 1 March. Please remember to quote the reference number...
CCG SO VAT Specialist Jobs
Response by HM Revenue and Customs to Andy Jones on .

Awaiting classification

Our ref: FOI2024/23342 Dear Andy Jones, Thank you for your request, which was received on 5 March. Please remember to quote the reference number...
Our ref: FOI2024/26307 Dear William Stevenson, Thank you for your request, which was received on 12 March. Please remember to quote the reference...
API Access - UK Employment Related Information
Response by HM Revenue and Customs to Alec Lyell on .

Awaiting classification

Our ref: FOI2024/30481 Dear Alec Lyell, Thank you for your request, which was received on 20 March. Please remember to quote the reference number...
Transferable Tax Allowance between partners
Response by HM Revenue and Customs to Richard Sibun on .

Awaiting classification

Our ref: FOI2024/31512 Dear Richard Sibun, Thank you for your request, which was received on 21 March. Please remember to quote the reference num...
A:Gender funding HMRC contingent
Response by HM Revenue and Customs to Liam Jones on .

Awaiting classification

Our ref: FOI2024/31556 Dear Liam Jones, Thank you for your request, which was received on 21 March. Please remember to quote the reference number...
Data Storage across HMRC
Response by HM Revenue and Customs to Colin Atkinson on .

Awaiting classification

Our ref: FOI2024/32814 Dear Colin Atkinson, Thank you for your request, which was received on 23 March. Please remember to quote the reference nu...
Our ref: FOI2024/35714 Dear steve neale, Thank you for your request, which was received on 1 April. Please remember to quote the reference number...
copy of the paper SA100 Tax Return
Response by HM Revenue and Customs to Dr. E. Houghton on .

Awaiting classification

Our ref: FOI2024/38730 Dear E Houghton, Thank you for your request, which was received on 6 April. Please remember to quote the reference number...
User Research at HMRC
Response by HM Revenue and Customs to Joe Tomlinson on .

Awaiting classification

Our ref: FOI2024/39785 Dear Joe Tomlinson, Thank you for your request, which was received on 8 April. Please remember to quote the reference numb...